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Niagara fall info


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I find Niagara Falls not to be all that humid, the spray is predictable and confined and, best of all, the water is not salty. I would bring a towel and common sence, btw do you have any extra? A piece of advice, with all the spray the falls make you can get some good rainbow pictures. You will need to be on the US side for sunrise and the Canadain side for sun set, or above the falls for rainbows in the falls. There are of course real oputurniteis to get soaked, so I would also have a few clear plastic bags. Have a great trip!
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If you use common sense: your photo bag will do fine. If you go on the Maid of the Mist, something I recommend for first time visitors, wrap them in a plastic bag as you *will* get soaked. Taking pictures on the Maid of the Mist is just about useless, and in my opinion not worth risking your expensive cameras for. Better take pictures from a safe distance with a good zoom.


To have a really good view of the falls, you will need to be on the Canadian side of the Niagara river.


Plan for a long visit. The falls are one thing, but there is so much more to see in Niagara Falls.

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Bart reminded me of a mistake I made at a beach trip. My camera dealer suggested that I take a water proof disposibal point and shoot camera, I declined, after all I had a shiny new N80. I regreated that choice as I missed a few fun shots in the water, and now I always carry a disposible camera with me, even though I have converted to digital. Of course get a good brand, I think they are about $15, and shoot one roll of film.
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Some excellent advice above re the Canadian side being the better choice for photography and sightseeing.


But be sure to also drive up to Fort Niagara. Its an interesting recreation of a fortification, and when we were last there, the docents were dressed in period clothing and were great models.

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