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blush, slow lens questions in small caps

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<img src="http://www.8palm.com/nose1.gif"> the best portrait lens i

own is the 90mm minolta m. it has deep bokeh and it is sharp. my cl

40mm is just as good but it is not a portrait lens. I guess it is

somewhere in-between a wide-angle and a normal. will my 40mm

summicron-c leica leitz lens and my 90mm f4 m-rokkor minolta lens fit

and work properly on the fabulous new ikon? are there any issues?

answers, please. is the cl's shutter better than the ikon's shutter or

is it the other way around? <img


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Last time you posted (more or less) the same question, I gave you this address: info@zeissikon.com


Unlike the Leica forum, they did not (or were not expected to) bite, I suppose.


This time, make sure they get your tradmark icons (no pun intended), even a pic or two.

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Frank, why do you keep asking the same questions, without doing a quick

search here, or going to the Zeiss website? Are you bored? Lonely? Time on

your hands? And what time is it in Vancouver or wherever you are?<p>

Your lenses should work perfectly, bar some issues with the framelines they

bring up. The 90mm lens will bring up 85mm framelines, I believe, on the

Zeiss, which is close enough. There are no 40mm framelines on the Zeiss;

some people use the 50mm framelines and crop loose, others file off a lug on

40mm lenses and use the 35mm framelines. I'd say the 40mm can work pretty

well as a portrait lens. It's very close to our normal human field of view. It's a

slight compromise using the 40mm when the framelines don't match exactly,

but some people here, notably BDS, get great results doing exactly that. For

more about filing the bayonet lugs, use the photonet 'search button". And for

more about the Zeiss Ikon, go <a href="http://www.zeissikon.com/


And if you're generally bored and want to read more about cameras, it's

always worth consulting <a href="http://www.cameraquest.com/"> Stephen

Gandy's Cameraquest site. </a>

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Well, with the 85mm you might cut out the tiniest bit of toe and the odd unruly

curl. really it makes no practical difference. If you use the 50mm framelines

with the 40mm lens, you'll get their hats, and their snowshoes too.

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Spec sheet don't tell everything, and they certainly don't mention whether or nor you can fit [with no issues] the 20-30yr old lenses mentioned by Frank, who can, I assume, also read spec sheets!


Why don't you read the spec sheets and tell Frank what is[or not] stated?



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Portraits (of two or three people) can be done well with a 40mm lens; the 90mm lens will work on a one-person image.




While you are getting your CL fixed, any chance you can locate a second CL body so your talents won't go stale using the pair of lenses you have?

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Yes Bruno, ya the man! There is a very good possibility that the following equation is indeed true!


ZM mount ≠ M mount


Ya never know! Zeiss designers may be asleep at the table! Cosina's too! They're really all idiots!


Idiots, all of them!

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I used to have a Leitz-Minolta CL. New--better than pristine. I used a 40mm f2 Rokkor lens on it a lot. For single-person or self-portraits it was fine when I even cropped out the head and shoulders for enlargement. It is very sharp and with Pan X film the enlargements were still fine. Also useda Minolta 90 f4 (actually a Leica Elmar C). It is very fine for portraits, and has nice, smooth bokeh/OOF. You'd do well sticking with both of these lenses. Since they are M mounts, I'd assume they will work just

fine on the yet-to-be-released ZI.

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Yes, I meant with my 2 CL lenses. I saw 2 other CLs but they were both a way over-priced and one had a broken lever. I don't plan on buying another CL, I can't locate a decent M3, M2 or M4, and the Ikon interests me. So I'm back using my FM2T and the 135mm E lens, for what it's worth.
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