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Please dont laugh! How am I setting my MAC OS X options for a multimonitor system?

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I have an ibook MAC OS X, and I just can?t set a multimonitor system.

I made many researches, but every time there is documentation, it is

to sale something else.


Is there a simple way I can follow, to have my photoshop CS tools and

palets displayed on my ibook screen and the photo on the external

monitor, just by using the basic MAC OS X?

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Although I say something the other day that might work on your ibook.


Let me see if I can find the link.





Yup, there it is but it only works on a powerbook since your ibook does not have PCMCIA.


And finally it is not that OS X does not support it, it is your video card only that does not support it.


That is one of the reasons why people do not buy ibooks and why they are cheaper, they are made for users who don't really need those features. In this case, you need it, you need a powerbook.

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iBooks do not support dual monitors - only powerbooks do.

The monitor port on the iBook allows monitor mirroring (displaying the same image on

both screens).

There is however, a firmware hack which allows monitor spanning on an iBook, though it

may void your warranty... do a google search for "ibook monitor spanning"


the first link is:



it has a link for some software that allows you to do this, though there are disclaimers

saying it may affect your book... proceed at your own risk


Good luck


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Screen spanning works fine on an iBook with the 'hack' installed. I think it is called 'screen spanning doctor'. Do a web search for that, or check the ibook support forums at apple.com.


It works flawlessly and without risk on any recent ibook (last 2 years or so). Don't worry about your warranty too much as the process is transparent and reversible. It will work exactly like a powerbook.


Be careful of one thing. IBooks are not designed to operate in 'clamshell' mode (laptop closed showing only on external screen). You can do it, but heat buildup may cause problems.



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