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Grand Tetons and Yellowstone


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You run the risk of being past prime (or well past it some years) the first week of October, but I think it's impossible to take a bad photograph in that area of the country. Read the web sites, books, forums - but mainly just get out there and look around. Follow trails, if you're good in the outdoors - don't fear losing sight of the road. Get 15 feet off a road and you'll feel like the only person for miles. Enjoy!
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I am planning to head the same direction (Grand Tetons and Yellowstone) for the last two weeks of September. This will be my first time in the area and though I have a bunch of information, I wished to ask few questions:


1) Should I expect some roads that I may need to traverse there to be unpaved?


2) Would I be better off renting an SUV, or sedan will be just as fine?


3) Is there a particular date (such as perhaps 10/1) beyond that lots of places get closed for the season?


4) Is there a cell phone coverage in these parks?

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Sergey, You should call zantera or go online for room reservations. It'll likely say nothings available so then you'll call them to double check. We've always had to double check to get the rooms the website says are full. I'd guess cancellations are not immediately reflected at their website.


If you like staying in a room in the park I think thats all shut down by end of first weekend of September. All the hambuger & fries & icecream shops close up for the season too.


I've never tent camped in Yellowstone or Tetons. We always book our rooms 4 or 5 months inadvance and then study up on the area we're staying at. This time we spent far more time at Canyon and Mammoth. Usually we stay at Old Faithful or down in the Tetons. But with our 5 month headstart reservations were very hard to come by this year and we took what we could get, that was affordable. You can spend $500 a night in Tetons or under $100 a night for a frontier cabin which is what I prefer.


A sedan would be fine. The figure 8 shaped road is all paved and this year it's all open. The wife and I have vacationed at Yellowstone 3 times in last 5 years and this is the first time the entire 8 was open.



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I just booked everything and the loding address is www.xanterra.com. But I must warn you that nothing was available at any reasonable rate the last 2 weeks of September as that is considered high season. That's why I booked first full week of October. While the foliage "may" have peaked, I'm still looking for great photo opps. I've been to this area many times although not necessarily on photo safaris so I'm learning the hot photo tips/spots myself. To answer your questions too: (1) Should I expect some roads that I may need to traverse there to be unpaved? ALLEN: The majority are well-maintained by the park service. While some are US Forest Service, many are also private residence roads and respect should be taken. I'm usually one to be cautious yet courteous. I've sometimes "asked" if I could photograph from certain spots out of respect. But that's me. (2) Would I be better off renting an SUV, or sedan will be just as fine? ALLEN: Main road driving is very easy. You'll be fine unless it's a 4-cylinder, weighted down with passengers and the need for speed. Please remember mountain driving techniques! Brake "before curves" not "in the curves." You'll can burn out the brakes (ergo that funny smell you smell up in the mountains from time to time). (3) Is there a particular date (such as perhaps 10/1) beyond that lots of places get closed for the season? ALLEN: I just booked and several lodges close effective 1 October. Again, very little to anything available last 2 weeks of September. (4) Is there a cell phone coverage in these parks? ALLEN: Some but minimal. Don't expect much. And it also depeneds on your carrier who may not have a coverage footprint in that area. Down in the Tetons near Jackson you'll have pretty good coverage. Up in Yellowstone, up for grabs. At least that's my experience. -- Hope this helps. Isaac

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I'm afraid that October is too late for fall color. Early September is the customary time. I would prepare for snow and if you're going to Yellowstone, it will be a sure thing. I would make the following suggestions: sunrise at Oxbow bend, sunrise at Schwabacher's Landing (my personal favorite, especially with a full moon), sunrise at the Mormon barns, mid-morning around Gros Ventre road (look for buffalo & moose). There's a great sunset shot from an 2 overlooks north of Schwabacher, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of it.



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I live in SE Idaho and I think early Oct. would be somewhat late for the best color. I think two weeks earlier would be better. Early Sept. can be too warm yet for the leaves to begin turning.


There are lots of sleeper areas that are not on the map. Of course you need to remember the normal shots mentioned above but don't be afread to venture up Star Valley to the south and up into SE IDaho. The photo posted above along Id rt 34 is an example of the color that can be found. The further south one goes and into Utah if needed, one can find awesome color well into Oct.


Don't be afraid to venture off the pavement. A 4x4 would be better for access into good areas better than a car. This is the Rocky Mtns and anything can happen after Sept.


I will likely be out an about during that time and I already have taken the last full week of Sept. off work so I can burn film. Look for some greyed haired mid aged crazy looking dude who still shoots an F-1 Canon and it will likely be me.



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