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OT; Remember these days?


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So I guess this is Canadian TV circa 2005 or so? (just kidding).


Actually, I remember those days well. I lived in San Francisco in the late 80's through

1997, kind of ground zero for the internet revolution. When I met my wife, she was

working at Wired magazine. It was an exciting time.


It's amazing how much things have changed, and yet sometimes I'm nostalgic for how

things were before. For instance, I'm sure the community darkroom I used to haunt, along

with all the interesting characters that populated it, are long gone now.

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I remember BITNet in college in 1980. My address was <name>@alaska. I remember "Relay" and "XYZZY," tools used for what today we call IM. I was chatting with people all around the world, primarly at college campuses. Was a very interesting time.

Backups? We don’t need no stinking ba #.’  _ ,    J

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I had a friend who was a SYSOP at the college "node," and at his house he had a small, typewriter-like "terminal" with an accoustic modem (or "coupler") on it. One of the most amazing things to me at the time was when he "dialed-in" to the university computer system at the amazing speed of 300 BAUD (30 characters appearing on the screen every second.) It knocked my socks off. I wanted to badly to go out and buy a "terminal" so I could do that. PCs weren't really too main stream yet. A few months later, I ended up driving 300 miles to Anchorage with the sole purpose of spending $300 on a Commodore Vic 20. It had, what, 3K of RAM? HA! HA!

Backups? We don’t need no stinking ba #.’  _ ,    J

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cool news video. For some reason I never really got into the internet, or even cared about it until i found out there were photography sites on it.......then I was hooked.


Vic 20.....now computers themselves, well that's what I did for a job, using them to test other electronic devices. Remember when I bought my Vic 20....wrote my first "Machine Language" program from scratch on that thing. Pretty cool. Lost interest quick though...like Tony said, limitted RAM, actually, limitted everything.....tape data storage...ugh. Besides, heck I was using DEC dual bay stations at work.


Sometimes I wish I could get into the machine language of this thing I use now.......there are a few things I want to change......heh.


As far as what the next 15 years will provide. I once had the URL of a promo type thing from some Japanese company that was their vision of the future. I'll see if I can find it. Was one of those finds that I found while looking for something else.....heh......so my memory is really vague on it.

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Despite being an IT pro for 27 years my experience was (still is partly) with humungous mainframe stuff and I only got into the internet when I switched over to networks/comms some 10 years ago.


A little later I got into photography and then some time later still (1999) I tripped over photo.net and it looked like this...




The Leica Forum existed somewhere else back then and looked like this...




And here is Tony Rowlett reviewing the 'new' M6 TTL in 1999....



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