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Anyone using Aperture?


This looks like a really useable program. I have a few questions.


How much should I realistically expect to pay for this software?


If you are storing masses of RAW images, where do you keep them? I have about 10 gb of space left on my

Mac Mini, so this is a real problem. Any suggestions for storage?



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I'm using aperture and I really like it so far. I think if you want to buy it retail, it will cost

about $300, although apple does offer academic pricing ($150). You could also try ebay.


If you are running out of space, get an external firewire or usb2 drive.

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I have been using Aperture since v. 1.0 and basically love it. It is not perfect, by any means, but it is a solid piece of work since the 1.1 realease with room to improve. The only other RAW application that gives it a run for its money is Adobe Lightroom, but it is still in Beta.


That being said a couple of points...


Apple Aperture runs 300.00 now...down from the 1000.00 list it had when it was first released. At 300.00 it is a steal. The other thing to consider is if you look on eBay you are more than likely to find v. 1.0...you don't want that version...especially if you are on an Intel Mac since it is not a Universal Binary.


Aperture on a Mac Mini...you don't say what kind of Mini...PowerPC or Intel. If it is a PowerPC don't even go there with Aperture. Apple is NOT kidding when they list the minimum specs. Actually, my experience has proven that you take the minimum memory specs from Apple on their pro software and double it.


The program relies heavily on OS X's Core Image foundation, which in turn relies on processor power and the graphics card. Both of which are sorely lacking on the PPC version of the Mini.


Intel Mac Mini's may be a possibility, but the graphics card on the Intel Mac mini's rely on the Mac's memory to do the heavy lifting. It Again, the Aperture relies on the graphics card to do the heavy lifting.


I have friends that have had great success running it on an iMac (PPC & Intel) and it of course does really well on a PowerMac G5.


I don't want to disuade you from trying Aperture...even on a Mini, but I do want you to have a realistic expectation of what your experience is likely to be with it on a Mini. It is a resource intensive program that can bog down on slower machines (processor, graphics card, and memory). If you go into an Apple store and try it on one of there machines...the kind of fluid motion you are getting there is due to the power that particular box has.


- Art

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I wouldn't get it for your mini, I doubt it will run it because of its graphics..The latest version,

1.1.2 runs well on both the iMac G5 with at least the ATI 9600 or better and of course the

mactel. Get max ram. I believe you can get the 1.0 version for the intel mac but it won't run

until you install the free upgrades. I would check it out though by checking the discussion

board at the mac sight.

Good luck

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Thanks for the replies!


Actually, I was able to answer my own questions, with a quick trip to Ebay. As soon as I saw the hardware requirements, it became clear that my Mac Mini would simply not cut it. From what you've been saying then it looks like I'll need 2gb of ram, and the fastest processor I can find as well as a massive hard drive. Welcome to the world of digital photography!





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Aperture runs very well on my MacBook 2Ghz with 2GB RAM. There are occasional slow

downs with some combinations of ajustments and the graphics chip in the MacBook is

probably to blame for that.


I don't have a massive amount of pictures in it, around 1000, but most of them are huge

medium format scans.

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