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Leica gone nuts! (price increase yuck!)

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Based on rumors, it seems like Leica is going nuts on price increases

on July 1st on both cameras and lenses. For me, this is already rather

insane considering that a M7 body goes from around 2800 dollars to

around 3300 dollars. I doubt now that I would ever consider buying new

Leica gear (and I really was tempted last year). Looks like I'm going

to be headed to the used dept. more now...


I hate to say something but I am excited to try my Leica R-lens on the

Canon D30 I am getting at a good deal. Should the DMR cost more than a

used Mini Cooper, I think that the Canon route will be the way to go...


Yes, I read all of the arguments for the price increase (e.g. euro vs

dollar, desirability increased in people's eyes) but I am not swayed.

Leica is very solid but I doubt that it would worth as much as the

market conditions can bear. Especially after the board meeting I would

definitely hate to say this but they seem more foolish.


Ironically, I am still trying to understand this decision and yes I

remember some economics from my Yale classes but unless the supply

demand curve concept is different during the last five years, I admit

that it's just bugged out for me.


I guess that I had enough ranting about economics and Leicas. It's

back to shooting now.

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"and I really was tempted last year). Looks like I'm going to be headed to the used dept.

more now..."


You were "tempted"... so, why didn't you buy the gear before this years increase???


Sounds like ranting for the sake of ranting to me!



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Tuition fees have skyrocketed compared with Leica's price increases, though many can't afford either. If only the US Economy hadn't been bushwhacked. That eroded the Dollar and pushed the value of the Euro to new heights; which may or may not have been a good thing. I'm not sure because I never went to Yale. I did do home study, though. ;*)
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The US Dollar is weak and hence you have to PAY MORE FOR IMPORTED ITEMS.


Here in Europe we pay more for items even IF THEY ARE MADE HERE.


Why should the rest of the world have to pay more for their items when companies are dumping cheap products on the US market?


Stop WHINGEING and enjoy the fact the US is paying artificially low prices for alot of its camera equipment.


If you cannot afford "high prices" buy secondhand.

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Actually, although the Euro went through a high cycle from about December to last week, its taken a big hit with the no vote in France and even more recently in the Netherlands. Its actually at the level of last summer right now and it will be interesting to see whether it recovers in light of this huge setback for those supporting the union.
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How much does a new Leica M7 in US dollars cost in Europe? Why not buy Leica products overseas? Why can someone still buy an M7 or MP for under $2400 US from dealers in HK, and they seem to be very much more expensive elsewhere? Maybe the grey market is the way to go for now on.


I still believe that in order to stimulate sales Leica needs to drop prices on their bodies about 15% both here and everywhere. The sale of new bodies would also encourgage the sale of new lenses. It seems to me that the window of opportunity to do so is before the Zeiss Ikon is avialable.


What dealers have told myself and others concerns a policy by Leica USA -- that retailers can only sell bodies and lenses at MSP, an effective price increase from to the end user. I don't know if Leica in Germany is raising prices.


It seems to me that Leica, historically, has enjoyed strong customer loyalty, based on the quality of their product and to a certain extent the lack of competition. These price increases will go a long way in exstinguishing that loyalty.

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If Leica prices here in the states are "artificially low", then Leica has a serious problem from which I doubt it will ever recover. This is so, because most people, here and everywhere, would consider $2900 US for a camera body exceedingly high, not to even mention the cost of new lenses.


I find it curious that Leica users have been so accustomed into paying high prices for new equipment that they view $2900 US, or even HK prices of $2400 US, as inexpensive or a bargain.


I think it is evident that Leica's pricing structure -- in recent history -- has not been an economic success. It's just not working.

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<i>"If the rumour becomes fact you'll have a case, until then it's all speculation. "


It is no longer speculation. We recieved our new Leica dealership packet yesterday.

Including the revised price list. Effective july 1 2005 a new MP or M7 body will cost

you $3,295. That's about a 15% increase. As an interesting side note dealer cost only

rose about 5%. It seems that Leica is going to strictly enforce this "Minimum Selling

Price" through all of their US dealers.

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