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Diffrences Between *ist Models

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What is the diffrence between the models of the *ist models? I am really

confudes as to the main diffrences. I shoot Nikon cameras, but for outdoor work,

i could really use a very light body, and pentax seems to fit that bill

perfectly. Besides, the lenses are quite a bit cheaper on average!

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Steven, if you've got Nikon lenses, getting the Pentax seems like an expensive option even if the Pentax lenses are cheaper. As regards weight, the *st DL2 is 565 grams and the Nikon D50 is 620 grams. Can you cope with that extra 55 grams (2 ounces)?
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I guess it would be one thing if the D50 shot the same or worse than the *ists, but that isn't

the case. When I compared the two (I had used Pentax at home and Nikon at work --not my

cameras--) it was a no-brainer... I went Nikon D50. I don't know about the new ones from

Pentax yet, but the *ists couldn't TOUCH the Nikons. Neither could the glass in terms of

quality and flexibility, although Pentax has some REALLY nice lenses, like that cool fisheye


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Peter, I found the oppisite to be true, Yes, Nikon has some good glass, but so does Pentax. I found the Pentax DL to be a bit better that the Nikon, and I was shooting a D70, not the D50. I subscribe to the school of thought that once you figure out how the cams work, good points and bad, the all are capable of producing the same (roughly) results. In othe words I believe a D50/D70 is on par with the Pentax DL/DS, but a Pentax DL will not fair as well as say a Nikon D200. For me it came down to a better feel and a the viewfinder.


Just my $.02

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If you're comparing them with the kit lenses (SMC Pentax DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 AL and Nikkor DX 18-55 AF), it is very likely that the Nikon comes out on top. Or so I see it comparing full size best jpegs of the same or similar subjects. Some differences may be due to different in-camera processing, too.


However, if you are buying body only, because you have need for a specific lens(es), then you need to compare those against each other.


And if you shoot raw, then the in-camera post-processing is irrelevant.


I think they both use the same Sony sensor.


If I were shooting jpeg and was happy with just the kit for my money, based on that alone, I would be buying the D50, rightly or wrongly, but that's what I would have done.


But I'm not.




Don E

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