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(w/nw) R-D1s - So far so good :)

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It's been a week since I got my R-D1s and I've been shooting with it on and

off. I have to say, it's been a very positive experience. The primary purpose

of this camera is for UV, and UV it can do; but the RD-1s is a lot more capable

than that :) Here's a week highlights ... <br><br>


<img src=http://pics.framingmoments.com/albums/rd1s/_EPS0550.ERF.HACKED.jpg>

<br><i>JML 50/3.5+U-360+BG-40</i><br><br>


<img src=http://pics.framingmoments.com/albums/rd1s/_EPS0990-01.jpg><br><i>VC



<img src=http://pics.framingmoments.com/albums/rd1s/_EPS0933-01.jpg>

<br><i>Summicron pre-asph 35mm</i><br><br>


<img src=http://pics.framingmoments.com/albums/rd1s/EPS0374-01.jpg><br><i>VC



<img src=http://pics.framingmoments.com/albums/rd1s/_EPS0963-01.jpg>

<br><i>Summicron pre-asph 35mm</i><br><br>


And one benefit of having a 1.5x crop factor ... <br>

<img src=http://pics.framingmoments.com/albums/rd1s/EPS0521-01.jpg>

<br><i>Jupiter-11 135/4</i>

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Thanks, Rene :)


Vivek, I've not try any 21mm as I don't have an appropriate viewfinder. I'm at the bottom of the learning curve and it will be awhile before I can gestimate the framing ... and ooohh, the W-Nikkor!!! Can seems to find one anywhere :( At least now I know that if I find one, it will work :)

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Remy, Those are your feet on that shot!


Jack, I have heard that the 15mm is a big let down on digital compared to film (notwithstanding the crop factor and the vignetting). Yes, it is possible to get similar shots if a use a fast film. I think Regit had posted some Fuji 1600 ASA shots before (don't know if there were any 15mm shots).

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Hi Jack, the second shot was taken at ISO 1600, 1/11s @f4.5. No flash and handheld. I use the headlights from the oncoming traffic to light up the subject.


Vivek is correct about vignetting. To be fair, use film (esp. slides) and the vignetting is there as well. With film, the scene will have a more dramatic perspective though.


R-D1s has very low noise at high ISO, so in this regard, the R-D1s has some advantages over film, even the Fuji Natura. Finally, it is a breeze to correct the colour-balance of a digital shot.

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