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New 17mm Elmarit film compatibility?

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Old news/rumour.<p>


There is supposed to be a new 16mm or 17mm lens released alongside the M8, so it'll have the same coverage as a standard 21mm lens on a full-frame camera:<p>


<a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00GrWn">http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00GrWn</a><p>


<a href="http://www.photoscala.com/node/view/1193">http://www.photoscala.com/node/view/1193</a><p>

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According to my sources, the new M-lens that Leica is planning for use as a superwide

with the digital M body (20mm "equivalent"):


1. will be 15mm, not 17mm


2. Will work with film cameras as least as well as any 15mm lens. Likely will have some

darkening towards the corners - NOT because it's a digital lens, but simply because it's a



Not clear yet how Leica will handle the viewfinder. My guess - a true 15mm stand-alone

finder for film use, and a zooming 15/21/24 ("21/28/32") finder (slightly modified version

of the current 21/24/28 accesory finder) for use with the digital M.


Another option would be adding crop marks for the M8 inside the full 15mm film

viewfinder - but I suspect both film and digital users might find that irritating (perhaps



3. does not have an 'official' maximum aperture released yet outside the engineering dept.

- therefore is neither an "Elmarit" or a "f/2.8" as yet. Could still end up being an f/3.5

Super-Elmar-M-ASPH or some such.

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Peter, just think of it. You may have to pay an exorbitant price, but for that money you will get the equivalent of two Leica lenses with different focal lengths, one on a film camera and a different angle of view on digital camera. If the M8 had a full-frame sensor, you would only get the equivalent of a single focal length.
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