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Epson 4490 Scanlines

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I'm having issues with getting what can best be described as "lines of noise" on

my scans.

I'll attach an example...

Not the two more distinct lines but the others, I darkened the scan in PS

w/Levels so you can see them easier.

I'm not sure if this is the software or what, I'm using the software that came

packaged with it.


Also, I have it set to 24 bit color Multi-TIFFs, yet when I open them in PS

they're only 8bit, I'm using PS CS which I know can only handle 16 bit, but I

can't seem to save them at 16 bit, how do I manage to work at 16 bit in PS?


I've read a little about Vuescan and silversomethingorother but still don't know

what they are, where I could get them or how they'd benefit me.

Since I'm not yet printing from these scans I don't really care about the 24/8

bit problem, my real issue is with the scanlines, they're gross, help.<div>00HRyH-31424184.jpg.a8a05ccfb69cb71c9afeb3e8c9dca274.jpg</div>

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>>Also, I have it set to 24 bit color Multi-TIFFs, yet when I open them in PS they're only 8bit,<<


You need to scan at 48 bit for them to show up in Photoshop at 16 bit. 16 bit in Photoshop is 48 bits in total, 16 bits for each of the R, G, and B channels.

<p> Doug<p>

<a href="http://www.betterscanning.com">BetterScanning.com</a>

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And now I have an entirely new problem...


Out of nowhere it started doing this...

I tried using Vuescan as well, same issue.

Normally I think when something like this gets screwy, it's most often a user problem, but I can't think of anything I've done that could have possibly resulted in this...

Is this anything anyone has ever seen before? Or should I go screaming like a banshee to Epson and have them fix it?<div>00HSOz-31433484.thumb.jpg.f92bcb12ae06562709c54f95d9f733c2.jpg</div>

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Looks like a hardware problem to me. If the scanner is still under warranty have Epson

replace it IF the following simple steps don't work and if you don't want to open it up then

only if there is no improvement after the first step.


1) Make absolutely sure that the calibration area is completely totally clean of any foreign

matter, dust, smears, etc. Look at your manual to see whre this is .. it is a thins strip of an

area at the top and/or bottom of the scanning area. Dirt and debris of any kind in that

area is the commonest cause of lines like you area getting.


2) Open up the machine and make sure the scanning array surfaces and optics are

cleansame for the mirrors ... don't try to clean anything .. jsut blow out any dust.

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