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can't attach Hassy 180

eric etheridge

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I have a 503cw and an 80CF and 180CFi. All bought used recently, in good shape. I have

had no problem swapping lenses back & forth until today, when the 180 wouldn't catch.

The 80 came off and went back on, no problem, and I fired a few shots with it. Still, when I

try to attach the 180, no latch.


I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the lens coupling shaft. On the 80, the groove

in the shaft lines up with the red dot, & the groove is running between 9 and 3 on a

clockface. On the 180, the groove is not aligned with the red dot, and is running more like

10 to 4.


I know I've seen other posts on this issue here, but I haven't been able to find them now

via search. I've consulted the manual, which suggests "winding the lens" but I can't find

any info on how to do that.


Thanks for any tips.



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Esben is correct. Just be sure to turn the "slot" clockwise, one full turn so that it lines up at

9'oclock and 3'oclock and with the red dot. This cocks the shutter inside the lens and

then its position should match the corresponding "lug" in the camera body. If not, you will

have to turn the winding crank first. (Remove the back so as not to waste film.)

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<i>camera and lens should both always be cocked before attaching or removing the lens or you'll end up with the infamous hasselblad jam.</i><br><br>That's not true.<br>You quite simply cannot attach or remove a Hasselblad lens unless both lens and camera are cocked. If you try anyway, using force, all you'll do is break something.<br>But jam something you will not.<br><br>That's the thing with this "infamous Hasselblad jam" thingy; as so often happens with things (in)famous, it has grown in people's minds way beyond what it really is. ;-)
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