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Non-paying bride, what to do?


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Ok, so I state in my contract that final payment is due 3 weeks before the

wedding. This gives me ample time should a problem arrise and also for the

check to clear. Well my bride for next Saturday has not paid me yet. I spoke

to her at the beginning of the week and told her to send it over by the end of

this week. Today's mail came and still no check. What do I do at this

point? I do not want to get on the bride's bad side, as I know she has given

me a lot of word of mouth. I want to have cleared funds before the wedding

though. How should I handle this? I've never run into this situation

before. Is it commen to send out a final bill or email before the wedding to

prevent this from happening in the future? Thanks so much!

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Ouch, that sucks!!!


I'm assuming you're referring to Saturday, August 12th? If you get on it, that gives you

enough time to send her a certified letter (so she has to sign for it and acknowledge

receipt) stating that payment in full is due by her wedding date or you will not arrive to

photograph her wedding.


I think you can couch this in such a way that it will be firm but not seem cruel. Statements

like, "we understand how hectic things can be just before your wedding" might help! Let

her know that you're understanding, and invite her to contact you to make payment

arrangements by credit card (surely you accept credit cards!?), as checks are no longer

accepted after the 3-week-prior due-date. This will also make it easier on her if she's

running tight on money!


(If you're not currently accepting credits cards, quickly set up a business account through

PayPal with a virtual terminal. This will allow you to accept cards for only $20/month, and

may prevent these problems in the future!)


If you're not willing to be hard-nosed on this, your only option is to show up anyway, and

simply clarify that you won't do any post-production OR show the images until you've

been paid in full. After all, at this point in time you probably don't have anything else

booked, and at least if you show up you stand a chance of them eventually paying.


You know this girl, and you know how she'll respond, I assume. Do what's best for your

business in the LONG-TERM, not just in regards to this one (poorly organized!) bride!


Good luck!

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Final payment or any payment? Looks like the ample time of 3 weeks really doesn't mean much. Nor would a final bill or e-mail. Because you may still not hear from them.


So, are you obligated under your contract to show up and take pictures? Can you withhold delivery of any "product" until payment is made? The only person who can tell you what you have to do would be your lawyer because you have obligations under your contract that may not be voided out by their failures to abide by their end of it. The lawyer can also advise you what, if any, options they or you can take to mitigate your losses if the date is lost. But that might get into the ugly side and definitely could mean getting on the bride's bad side.


If you don't show and don't take pictures, you/they can't undo that. Payment problems can be worked around. I'd suggest finding out if the wedding is still on and they still need you. Keep in mind that they are spending/bleeding money all around at this point. They may be looking at you as part of the problem or maybe you can be part of the solution. But you ned to walk warily around the contract and contract law.

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Like Anne said, do what's best for your business long-term. If this is for August 12th, I would certainly stay on her to get that taken care of, but plan on shooting it either way. Under no circumstances would I do post processing until payment is made and especially never show or give them any of the work until their obligation is met. For me personally it would have to be some very unusaul situation for me not to show to do it. Showing up covers your end the best. Call her Monday and if it has not been mailed, offer to come pick it up - be "cheery" and supportive. If she said she mailed it on such and such day, then you will know quickly if that is for real.
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Shoot the wedding. As noted above, hold the film until payment is in hand (or in the bank, cleared, if it is a check.)





If you elect to be a 'no show,' and the wedding goes on __ be prepared for flak, and the general word of mouth advertising will not be positive.






One supportive bride is good for business; one family up in arms may not be so good.

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Agree with above. Try your best before the wedding to secure the funding, but if not, you should still show up and make it a plesant wedding because: 1). it's probably too late for you to book another wedding anyway; 2). having the photos may increase her incentive to see and pay; 3). the most you will lose is one day - unfortunate, but a small percentage of your entire career. I am sorry for your situation.
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It's a tough one. I would shoot the wedding...i've done it...and as stated it hold the shots

'hostage' until full payment.


I would also make it hard for her to get in touch with me afterwards....taste of her own

medicine. What ever you do DO NOT!!! make payment arrangements or accept checks and

definitely NO Credit cards! Cash Only! She doesn't like it...too bad.


I've had this happen to me twice. The first time i made arrangements for payment....took

more then a year to get the last payment. The next time....i did what i said. I would not

return her calls or respond to her e-mails.....busy ya know.


When i did get in touch her....i got cash in hand. I heard that she was not pleased, and

had some bad things to say about my service...but guess what....didn't hurt my bookings a

bit. Seems people knew her....also when your good....your good...and no one can take

that away.


But shoot the wedding...i did. One more thing...when you shoot it...don't mention about

the money. Have fun....be gracious...and shoot away. After that...don't contact her...let

her contact you. This will make her to think that you don't need her money.....and if she

wants the photos....'SHE MUST PAY!!!!!!' No bargaining.



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Well, I wouldn't be happy, but I would shoot the wedding, and then not process anything until you get your payment and go from there. I think if you no show, it would be 100x worse than if you possible never got paid, but still showed up and did the shoot. They can't say you didn't do your job.. you just may not get paid, but the guests see your professionalism.
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There are a million reasons why you may have not recieved the funds.

Do the weding and do not show or give any of the wedding images to the couple until the funds have cleared.

I gaurantee it will cost you busniess if you are a no show. You may be able to tell your side of the story to a few people, but she will be telling her side (truth or not) of the story to everybody in town.

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Even if they don't pay the final payment I still have the prints made. Because I will let them come over for a visit to see the prints and we do try to work out a payment program. Usually that works, because we take every type of credit card. We always ask the parents to come over too. Someone always has a card. So the bride and groom get to take the pics home and we get paid.
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Just presenting the 'other view'.


I find it slightly amusing that we will fall over backwards because of 'word of mouth' I can't think of many industries where it's almost a norm to have a contract which we break. Bride argues over price - beware word of mouth, bride doesn't like this - beware word of mouth, bride refuses to pay - beware word of mouth etc etc etc. There are countless examples on our forum over the years.


Payment is required 3 weeks before or else? If it's effectively a redundant clause with no teeth then why put it in? Brides learn these tricks from the countless wedding magazines and forums (do a Google.


I do not want to get on the bad side? Because she'll use that WMD 'word of mouth' on you? Why do we put such clauses in?


If you feel you must go then do so and inform the B or G that you are there but you must have the cash or you leave.

I worked freelance for Kodak over here in the UK and their policy was that if they had not received the funds prior to the wedding then I had to collect on the day - no discussion.

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This is another example of why initial payments or deposits MUST cover your costs. As others have said, cover the wedding; the expenses for doing so are paid for by the deposit. This is not only to avoid being the bad guy ( or girl ) but because you then have something as a hostage which is much more valuable to them than an appointment.
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You've been clear that final payment is necessary before the event. I ask you this...Will the caterer serve the food without final payment,,,"NO"..WIll the banquet center host the reception without full payment...again the answer is "NO",,,Will the florist deliver flowers without final payment,,,again the answer is usually "No". I know its harsh but it is business. And if they take advantage of you now they will more than likely fanagle (is that a real word?) you later.
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A photographer's business is not the same as the the florist, caterer, etc. If they deliver before payment, there is no incentive for the couple to pay afterwards, but a photographer still has the images to hold hostage.


By all means, shoot the wedding. You stand a far better chance of both full payment and keeping everybody happy. In most markets word of mouth makes a big difference for anyone in the wedding business, and there is no good reason to get anyone mad. The bride will still want these pictures, and 9 times out of ten will come up with full payment shortly after the honeymoon. Shooting and not processing costs you very little but your time, and the risks are worth it.

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People, are you that hard up to work for free? If they don't pay now what makes you think they will latter? I have had this happed to me three times in the last year. I require a $300 retainer and the balance do two weeks before the date. On all three occasions I was able to get full payment before the wedding date. It is stated in my contract that, Failure to pay the full amount will be in breach of this contract and ITF Photography and Graphics, is not accountable to show up for the date of services, I always call the bride a week before payment is do and let her know that if payment is not sent by the two week dead line, than they must send a cashers check, or pay cash. I will show up if they say that they will pay cash on the wedding day, but I make it clear that, I will not stay and work if I am not paid. I had only had one pay me cash on there wedding day, and the other two mailed a cashers check. Don't except a credit card this late in the game, they could do a charge back. You should stand firm to your contract, if you let them break it, what good is a contract? Call your bride and really talk to her and see what is going on. Don't be mean, be understanding, but firm. Also, I feel wedding photography is the same as florist, caterer, etc. Sure you have the pictures to hold hostage but they don't take this chance with them, and they shouldn't you. People always thing that wedding photography is not important, and if you work for free what are you telling them? I feell my time is to valuable to work for free.
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Interesting thread...

Final payment prior to the wedding? Ii is not at all common here in The Netherlands. A retainer/bookingfee yes, but full payment of the outstanding balance before the wedding? I am sure I will not land any assignments on those terms...at least here in The Netherlands.

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Well, I am not from the Netherlands, but agree with your Jur. My parents taught me at a young age to NEVER pay it all up front and I carried that saying into my Photography Business and have done so for almost 30 years now. Some photographers will claim I will get ripped off. ONCE, once in almost 30 years did a client skip out with the photos and even then I had secured enough to have a profit, not much of one, but a profit. Get a deposit, shoot the event, get another payment on delivery. If you work is good you should not have problems. I have always wondered what some of you guys/gals do if you end up doing a lousy wedding or maybe the lab screws up on your processing. How easy do you give back the money you have already collected? I've always wanted my clients to feel they have some control, after all they are the boss, not me.

Shoot the wedding. Hang onto the product, they will call. Otherwise I am sure you are covered from what you have already collected.

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