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NYT: Which Camera Does This Pro Use? It Depends on the Shot

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"DAVID BURNETT spent the dog days of 1963 prowling the drag strips of

Salt Lake City with his Yashica-Mat while he waited for his senior

year at Olympus High School. He has been taking pictures for money

ever since..."


Full text here:




Be sure to check out the multimedia presentation as well.

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Alan, You beat me to it. The companion article on the photo printing industry is also interesting. (http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/08/technology/circuits/08selingo.html)


In the Burnett article, what is interesting to me is what was NOT discussed in the several threads on Alex Majoli's work: the significant differences (possible) in the images. Alex waxes about the depth of field the small digitials provide him, delivering what Burnett calls the "where's Waldo" depth of detail to every image. The "need" of news imagery has shifted, along with the loss of awareness of differences in the imagery making.


Great article.

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