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Buying a D200, looking for lens recommendations


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I'm about to buy a Nikon D200, my first foray into the digital world. I need

to pick a lens(es) to go with that will fit my budget and accomodate my needs.

I love to take pictures but am relatively uneducated in photography. I take

lots of photos of my kids and friends' kids and like to shoot the occassional

wedding for friends. I need a lens or lenses to fit 3 basic situations 1)

shooting quality portraits indoors with available (window) light 2) shooting

portraits of families outdoors and 3) shooting wedding ceremony pics indoors

with low light and no flash allowed. My budget is ~$1000 to buy a lens or two

or three. Recommendations? I like sharp pictures that I typically blow up to

11x14 prints and don't want to spend too much time editing on a computer.

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1) Nikkor 20~35/2.8 AFD


2) Nikkor 50/1.8 AFD


3) Nikkor 85/1.8 AFD




1) Nikkor 24/2.8 AIS


2) Nikkor 35/2 AIS


3) Nikkor 50/1.8 AIS


4) Nikkor 105/2.5 AIS




1) 18~70 Kit lens


2) The new upcoming 70~300 VR lens.

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I recommend the 17-35 AFS f 2.8 lens. I know this violates your budget rule. This is a lens you want to end up with.


Given your budget constraints, I recommend the 20mm af f 2.8 and the 18-70mm dx lens in addition to the lenses already recommended. Please go to this link for some excellent info on Nikon lenses:



Joe smith

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get the startup team of the 18-70mm kit lens, 50mm f/1.8 and the 85mm f/1.8 to cover all your needs mentioned. you will have speed, low-light capability and versatility. from this system, you will know where to go next or even stay with them and enjoy your hobby. you might still have change for at least an sb-600....the 18-200mm will not be good for low light situations.
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If you can relax your budget by 10%, you could buy the Nikon 17-55/f2.8 DX for $1100 after Nikon rebate (rebate valid till July 31 purchase date). It is excellent optically and otherwise - will meet pretty much all of your needs, especially low-light needs. Only if you are doing very tight portrait (head only), you will need a longer lens like the 85/f1.8.

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I would prefer ONE VR zoom lens versus juggling 3 PRIMES when shooting a wedding. I don't think you'd be shooting at 1000 ISO -- there is typically enough light at weddings to let you shoot at 400 WITH A VR LENS, i.e., you may be shooting at shutter speeds of 1/30. Also, since subject movement will be minimal/slow, this is an ideal scenario for a VR lens.


I would also hate to fumble for focus at a wedding, or make sure I have sufficient DOF. That's where AFS comes in handy.


As to its quality, no, it's not in the same leagues as the 85/1.4 AFD or "traditional" portrait lenses, but a budget constraint of $1000 is a compromise, and IMO, the 18-200mm best suits that compromise.


Yes, even if within budget the 17-55mm is in another class, and would be ideal, but since it is NOT a VR lens, you'd probably shoot with 1000 ISO even at f2.8.



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I personally prefer fast Primes but can't justify two D200's.


Yaron's suggestions are great. If you could spend a little more money, You might consider

the 17-55/2.8 and an 85/1.8


The 17-55 is a great running around/candid lens and at 2.8 is fast enough for most uses.

The 85/1.8 is a good balance for being a Long-ish Lens, excellent optical quality, fast,

small and inexpensive ($200 used from KEH)

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Lisa, you're 'relatively uneducated in photography' yet you want to shoot weddings. You're

going to spend $1700 on a D200 and another $1000 on lenses.


Why not take a few steps back, pick up a D50 kit for $800 or a D70 kit for $1000 and learn a

bit more before spending three times that on a pro body and lens?

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I agree with Shun. Get a basic (18-70mm) and shoot for a bit. Then you will realize what you

want and need for your purposes. If you shoot weddings and portraits, you will most likely

need some lighting equipment as well. So, a couple or more SB800s would be in the future.

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Thanks to all for the helpful advice, the link to Bjorn Roslett's page helped immensely. Gave me a decent basis for comparison of the recommended lenses to current lens. The choices are almost overwhelming, aren't they? I'm still wavering between blowing the big $$ on the 17-55/f2.8 and going with the starter 18-70 for all-purpose and the 50/1.8 for low light.


I am buying an SB-800 as well, but prefer to use natural light whenever possible, especially for pics of my babies. Don't get me started on how frustrated I am to hear my practically new SB-80 won't work on the digital Nikon.


And to Robert, no need to be so condescending.<div>00HMAI-31279484.thumb.jpg.df6c03d6b68f88fabcb0b6b0c08c1c12.jpg</div>

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If it were me, and I was shooting weddings, I'd SERIOUSLY consider Canon instead of Nikon

(and I am a Nikon shooter!) because you'll get a little more lens for your money.


but sounds like you may be studk on Nikon... nothing wrong with that... I love my 18-200

but it's no good for weddings, I agree with that...


For me, I'd want two bodies, one with a 17-35 or 17-55/2.8 and one with an 80-200/2.8.

Everyone I know that shoots weddings INSISTS on the fast glass. you need it! the 18-70

just won't cut it without flash (and get two flashes or more, not just one!). And everyone I

know that shoots weddings insists on at LEAST two bodies handy. There just isn't time to

switch lenses!

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