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More Olympus 35 RD magic...

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These 35RD negatives are the sharpest 35mm negs Ive scanned thus far. Several of the recent scans were of excellent sharpness straight off the scanner table - no scanner sharpening, none need in Paintshop. Amazing. To be fair, these here did receive very minor USM, but really very minor adjustments.


I might be having another big camera giveaway here soon, seeing as how this RD might be the best tool in my box.




Just teasing.

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I have been observing the prices of these little cameras as they go through that auction site. They seem to be escalating rapidly. The word must have gotten out. But then, maybe it's a fad mentality thing, like it was with the Isolettes for a while. They went crazy. Now, they're back down where they should be. Great lenses on these little Olys.
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Wonderful photographes. The Canonet QL17-GIII, Konica S3 and Oly 35RD were the last of their kind. Classic fixed-lens 35mm RF's pretty much went the way of the steam engine after that.


I think the fad with regards to metal bodied, mechanical rangefinders was a backlash against all the plastic wonderstuff that was made in the last couple of decades.

Best Regards - Andrew in Austin, TX
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The sharpness and color of those shots is amazing, and the subject is lovely too. Thanks for posting some of the higher-resolution images, they really make the point of what a fine lens you have.


Because of your posting of about three weeks ago, I fell off the wagon and acquired an Argus C-4, which arrived yesterday. It looks and tests great right out of the box. I will take some snaps today; hope I get the results you got with yours.


Sorry to hear about the unemployment situation, I hope that it all turns out very much in your favor.



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This forum, and its inhabitants, has greatly benefitted me in the past year. Indeed, if it weren't for my eyes being opened to photography here, in turn dragging my ass along with it, I might have rolled over when my company commanded it. So, in a way, you bastards are to blame for my current problems. I expect payment in full.




Get out and shoot - today's going to be lovely!

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Interestingly, I think the trend we're seeing in film camera prices is *not* just a fad. I've read a couple articles recently where industry analysts (including some from Kodak and Fuji) seem to believe that digital will peak in the next couple years, with most purchases being replacements or upgrades rather than "never owned one before" -- which means a much lower sales rate. With 5 megapixels being about all most photographers want or need, and phones reaching that magic number now, dedicated digital cameras are going to be slim pickings soon.


Meanwhile, lots of people can't justify or afford to spend $300 and up for a digital when they can buy a film camera with similar capabilities for $100, or a used one that will work well for $50 -- and we like the older ones that require us to think, and are turning away from digital in droves even if we already have them (I use mine only to take pictures of my classics). End result: prices of metal body classics are going up again.


It's looking like I might have gotten back in at just the right time.

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I saw some digital camera adoption charts published by the Photo Marketing Association, and if you extrapolate the curve you see there to similar adoption curves (usually just a normal bell curve), then around this year or last year should have been the peak for purchases, with purchases dropping off until we get to about 90% penetration of US households in another 3 years or so.


That doesn't mean a comeback for film though.

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Craig, I picked up a 35 RC the other day. Solid little camera with a wonderful viewfinder, nice and bright for focusing. I tested it against my Minolta 7SII and while the images from the Oly where good they fell a little behind the minolta in sharpness, contrast, and color. I understand the RD to have an even better lens so you must have quite a nice little camera there, enjoy.
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