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Recent pictures from old cameras

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I enjoy "found pictures" from film discovered in old cameras. And

pictures of old cameras. Or even pictures taken with old cameras to

illustrate a point. But I see no point in cluttering this forum

with recent pictures just because they've been taken with old

cameras, which can/could/should be posted in the usual forums for

photographs. I'm probably completely out of step on this, but

frankly I find it irritating, and that it diminishes my pleasure in

participating on this forum.

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As I see it, only in two fora there are actual picture posting activities. This forum (Leica being the other one) does bring in some real gems from time to time.


I would strongly applaud and encourage the folks who are demonstrating that the "old"cameras are not toys for locking them up in closets but are useful tools for making photographs.


As much as I like to know everything about a camera, it is also a pleasure to see a working camera being in use and the results from it.

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Bill; some folks are just camera users; or a just thinking about buying say a folder that uses 120 film; and enjoy seeing what kind of images they can create today. Many still are on dialup; and totally avoid the zoo of images launched for ratings and ego stroking purposes. Here I enjoy seeing the current useage of older cameras and lenses; because I am a user and not a collector. Many of the older cameras lenses have a different look. Often folks think these older cameras are crap; then learn a thing or too about the images they still can make. Often further discussions result because others have used these same cameras long ago; or have manuals for them; or have repaired them before.
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I think there's plenty of room here for all of us. Frankly, I dont much care for reading rivet-counter arguments, and there are some doozies now and again. I often wonder if some of those guys ever stop tweaking and turning screws and performing algerbraic equations in defense of soup A or B long enough to take the favorite light-catchers out for a stroll. Me? I'm cool as long as it works. I'd take photos with a sock if it were possible. I like sharing what I get out of my cameras, I like reading about others and their machines, their art, their philosophies, even learn a thing or two from those rivet-counters, now and again.


I say relax and leave well enough alone. This forum seems to be one of the more trouble-free spots on PNet.

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I agree. A lot of the photos being posted on this forum have no redeeming quality other than they were taken with old cameras. Its useful to see a few sample photos to see what old cameras can be capable of but it would be a shame if this forum became a repository for peoples photo albums.
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Bill; as a side note; it is abit irritating that every TLR thread has a chap pushing bright screens; and flatly states that older TLRS were basically unuseable before these arrived. This is an insult to the majority of TLR images ever shot; a BS lie; abit like a kickback situation. Most folks used TLR's in radically quicker situations; sports; weddings; not static landscapes like todays collectors shoot; before these designer screens arrived.
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Ack, ptooey. I would have never bought a damned folder or an old rangefinder if it weren't for this forum. The way *I* see it, my posting good results off the 35 RD might encourage somebody else to try one, or to try the Feds, etc. When I was digging desperately for information on the Kowa 6 - and specifically, examples of images taken with same - I found very little. It is my philosophy that anything I can *seed* into this fertile soil of a forum will grow tall and reward all curious and hungry for info, as I was. That includes sample images.


I don't see anybody here - including myself, and admittedly I post a lot of images - as using the forum for an album. That's what my 100 megs of space is for, and I use it accordingly. I *could* post simple links to my folders or to presentations, but why? If the thread is already dedicated to *showing off*, what difference makes it whether or not the thread merely contains links to other folders/presentations?



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Kelly, I agree with you. As you might know, the two TLRs I am using have dim and dirty screens and no lens shade, the lens on one of them is even not coated. But my images speak for themselves.


I have no training in classic cameras so I learn everything from using them.


Since I am better with visual language than words, I post images in different styles regularly to sharing my learning experience with you. We all know it is easy to buy cameras but difficult to produce great images with them so I hope my experience can be useful to other people.


I am a minority in photo.net: I shoot film but don't print; I don't have a Leica or dSLR; I don't care about tripod, filter, lens hood, camera brands, etc., etc. ; I am not an "in-your-face" serious street photographer; I don't want to boost my ego by loading hundreds of photos in the gallery and check ratings every hours; and finally, I am still using dialup.


I just want to share my visual experience in a community of people who have the same passion as mine. Is that too much?

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I'd rather have the pictures. Not just because I occasionally post a picture here, but I also really like seeing the ones others post, and rather than diminishing my pleasure in this forum it enhances it, especially since there are some very good photographers hanging out here, and I like what they post, usually more than I like what I see elsewhere on PN. If I see a sequence of shots that don't interest me, it's easy enough to hit the back arrow and skip the thread before they all load.
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For me, the redeeming quality IS that they are taken with a classic camera. I could give a whatever if it has a Planoid Meteroid lens with 4 elements instead of 18 jillion - if I see good photographs coming out the back end, I might think about buying one myself. And if I see a pretty camera on a shelf, a quick check here tells me whether or not the camera has any potential.


BUT I agree that the onus is upon the submitter to be their own best editor, to take into consideration dial-up users, and to keep the volume down to something less than a daily diary. In that way this list can mainstain open space for the full range of people who have interest in classic cameras, mechanical or aesthetic.

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i always enjoy seeing photographs taken with "classic cameras." is there some pressing business that isn't getting done in this forum because people are enjoying using their classics and sharing the images? if ya ain't interested...don't look at 'em. (~_")
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I agree w/Kelly, CE, & Jorn.


1st, assuming that there are some folks here who actually use their classic cameras, I would think that pictures taken w/those classic cameras, whether they're taken today or 50 years ago, are clearly relevant to the forum; if anything, new pictures are more relevant because they show what the old shooting irons are capable of producing today. Sure, the web is an imperfect means of sharing photos & not everyone on the forum is equally skilled @ taking pix &/or preparing them for web display, but that's true in the analog world, too.


2nd, if someone doesn't want to look @ or read about recent pictures taken w/old cameras, they can simply not read those posts, the same way anyone can avoid reading any post that doesn't interest them. For example, I personally have no interest in vintage meters, TLRs, Exaktas, large format, or a host of other topics, but it certainly doesn't bother me that other participants do care about those subjects & choose to post about them.

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I'll confess that I am one of those whiners about the brightness of my screen, but my whining could be just as easily directed to my eyes as it is to the bright screen. I just don't see detail as well as I used to and I am willing to trade money for any sort of advantage I can get. I mean no disrespect to earlier users of Rolleis and other TLRs with original screens who were obviously much better off in the eye department.
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Ouch! I like to see past, present and hopefully future photos. One thing that I do (something I didn't do before getting into classics) is wonder what camera was used when I see an older photo in a magazine, book or in someone's photo album.
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For me, this forum is sort of like a place where if we all lived in the same town, we'd

gather round the local camera store (the ones that no longer exist) and trade barbs and

nuggets of wisdom about our camera de jour. Showing photos is proof that the damn

things work, and on top of that, there are some really, really, good photographers here.

Enough good images that an idea has been fermenting in my head on how cool it would be

to see a book in print...


So, I suppose one can always choose not to post images here, but I really enjoy them.

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Yep, Bill, you're out of step.


Old cameras are the only kind I can afford, and it's nice to be able to come here and see others shooting the old hardware, and sharing the results -- not necessarily to make some kind of point, but just as a reminder that film has changed more than optics, and with modern film, even optics from 70-80 years ago can yield excellent images. And of course as a reminder that the photographer is more important than the camera...

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This forum is a wonderful experience for me. I love old cameras and seeing what they are capable of producing. The folks here are the kind of people I can relate to and seeing their photos is interesting and enjoyable. A great bunch of folks. I hope this forum does not turn into a bitch session like so many others have. Just two cents worth from a mediocre photographer who doesn't turn out much work.
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Sorry you feel that the photos clutter up the forum, Bill. Reading the forum opener may clear things up for you, though. Particularly the part that reads "The forum is focused on the practical use of these cameras rather than collecting them." It must be that "practical use" part of it that stinks the place up for you. True, there are a lot of photos in this photography forum, and some consideration should be given to those on a dial-up. But, what else are we supposed to do with our old iron? We're using them and making a showing for ourselves. Maybe we should just post something like


"Hey all, I got a new oldie. It's a Zeiss Contessa and it takes great photos. Trust me."


There are plenty of "how to" Q and A threads here. Lots of "how good is this lens" topics, etc.


If you don't like all the pics, maybe you should just skip 'em, move on to the tech stuff, and try to enjoy the folks here.

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