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Keep the Rebel or Sell the Rebel?

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First i must say these forums are the best. thanks for all the informational feedback. so, i

tried to sell my rebel xt on ebay. for WAAAAAAAAY to much, i guess i was getting greedy

and thought i could get close to what i paid. i didn't take into consideration everyone elses

prices. so it didn't sell. obviously! should i keep it as a spare? i do have a 30D on it's way

from dell, backordered till june. or should i try to repost the sell on ebay for cheaper? OR

should i keep the rebel, cancel the 30D and invest in glass? thank for the feeback.

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Hi Jonathan, what other lenses do you have?<p>

You're going to get a range of responses, but my recommendation would be to sell it. I'm on

my 3rd D-SLR (5D now, before that 20D and 10D). In each case I sold my old bodies to

friends at favorable prices, and never found myself wanting for it. In some situations it's

worthwhile to keep them: to give to your wife, kids, etc. But aside from that, it may be best

to sell the old Rebel while it still holds value and there's still a healthy demand for it. Use the

sale price to invest in new glass or help pay the credit card bill on the 30D. Just my opinion.

One thing I'm certain of, you'll love the 30D, its controls are so much faster and easier than a

Rebel's. Congrats on getting it.

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To be honest, my lens line up is somewhat sad. so in respones to my own question, i guess i

should invest in a 24-70 L lens. Although, the thought of a backup camera is so comforting.

I wish money grew on trees so i could have the best of both. On the other hand, my work

coming up will pay for the 30D and in a month, i'll have enough for the glass. how does that

sound? thanks guys!

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Going from an XT to a 5D is an upgrade; an XT to 30D... well, money better spent on glass, a sturdy tripod, color management hardware, Photoshop, a mini vacation with the family, a night out with the SO, etc.


Sorry, getting late.

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Cancel the 30D and get good glass, tripod, flash, or computer upgrades.



The 30D is simply the XT with a better handling body and a few minor upgrades that are not worth the money. Get the glass and wait for a more significantly upgraded body that will still be available at the same price of the 30D or better. Good luck.

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Assuming your cash flow is okay....Keep the XT, still order the 30D, and invest in glass. If cash is an issue, sell the XT at a fair price (not cheap, but don't expect to get what you paid for it) and invest in new glass. Any L series (Red Line) lenses are definitely worth the money. I don't regret the months of eating crap food and living without beer to afford my 70-200 2.8. Looking back, I'm not sure how I lived without it.
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If you can afford to keep it, you might as well.


I have and still use all of my old digital bodies. There are times when I just do NOT want to take something new and expensive with me, like when hiking or going on a boat. If you find that you don't use the XT at all, you can probably sell it later without losing much more value than you have today.

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