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5d Design Flaw? Exposure Compensation


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I am unable to re-adjust the exposure compensation with the control dial. This

happens when I used exposure compensation in the prior session. The only way I

can reset the exposure compensation is to reset all camera settings (CF1).

For me this is a serious drawback.

Has anyone experienced this design flaw? Any fixes?

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EC works fine on mine and every other 5D I've played with, so there is no design flaw (well

the omission of ECF and DEP mode but that's another matter). EC is actually something I

use nearly everyday. So either you're doing something wrong or your 5D is broken and

needs service.


Besides the points above about the QCD on/off position and activating EC with shutter half

depress, EC doesn't work in full auto mode. If you got that nailed, you have a problem that

probably only Canon service can fix. Sometimes such haywire things happen when the


system gets corrupted (e.g., old Sigma lens, strong electromagnetic field, etc) and a true

reset is needed, not the mere resetting of factory defaults via "Clear Settings": remove

batteries (including PRAM

backup) lenses and let sit for 30 minutes. It healed my Elan 7 everytime after using an old

Sigma. Finally, before Canon Service, you might try installed the lastest firmware (1.10 I

believe). It fixed the issues I was having with the ST-E2 and slave display.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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Thank you all for the information.

The on switch was set to the correct position i.e. line above on, I was half pressing the shutter to activate the meter, and was not using the Full Auto Mode.

I will try as Puppy Face suggested doing a full reset and updating the firmware.

Based on the feedback I am pleased it is not a design flaw, and hopefully not requiring service...

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