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I got a leica lens, please check the quality for me


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take a picture - the kind you would normally take - and make a good sized print - maybe 11x14 or so. then take one with lots of extreme contrast - backlighting etc. - and make a print of that. have a look at them. if you're happy with the quality, then the lens is fine. little bits of dust like that shouldn't effect anything, but you won't know until you try it out.
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I assume you are referring to what appears to be a number of bubbles in the glass element. I have a 50mm Elmar which has a couple of bubbles which make no difference at all. If what I observe in your lens is correct, there are quite a few bubbles. I suspect that you will see no effects, but the number of bubbles would be disturbing to me if I had purchased the lens. What is this lens? 35mm Summaron?
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Aks on the Leica forum and they'll tell you a Leica lens is bettern any other brand even if its all crapped up with fungus and cleaning marks. Your probly payin at least a grand for that old 8 element summacron, so them black dust specks is costin you about $50 each. Dude if you ain't shined a flashlight thru that lens yet I think you auta. Thats the only way to see the really bad stuff.
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i know that. But the funny thing is, I have no camera yet. I bought the lens first, because it is a good offer. The seller said it is in near mint condition, crystal lens.... The external is near mint, but the lens.....

I think I need buy a camera soon, otherwise, I wish I can return it.

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I doubt if there is anything wrong with that lens, but if there is, nothing in the photo would so indicate. My advice is to take some photos with it and see for yourself. A few flecks of dust in a lens will not significally affect its performance. The proof of a lens in in its pictures.
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Cheers Matt.


I will contact the seller, I think he is a professional on Leica. I wish we could have a good deal.

If he say that is no problem at all, I will trust him and go to buy a M6. Finally I will find the result from photos.


By the way, dont you think the dust on my lens is too much....

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Just have the lens cleaned. A reputable Leica repairman will charge about $100 for a full CLA on this lens. It will be good for another 30 years after that. Try attaching the picture you posted to an email and send it to Don Goldberg at dagcam@chorus.net with the same question. He's pretty good about responding to emails quickly.

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Most of my Contax lenses had lots of dust specks (one planar 50mm had about 5 times the dust as the one you have) on the inside elements and I never found any impairment of quality, even with a slide projected to 8 feet tall. You may try to get at least a partial discount/refund from the seller if they didn't advise you of the dust inside and instead advertised it as "mint" or something similar. I wonder if the sealed lenses form Olympus or Canon, etc, that are supposed to be water resistant also get dust inside? My near new Leica lenses have no dust inside (yet!).
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This is one of the reasons why Leica is in trouble.


Shoot and be happy. These are not diamonds to drool over and look at. Leica glass-bodies-

all of it will eventually brass, gather dust, etc. Remember the cameras and lenses used the

masters-they were often beat up-lens shades bent, dirty elements, etc. Leica is about

getting out into the world and capturing what will one day be only a memory.

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I must disagree with what seems to be the consensus here about this issue. It's one thing to enjoy your equipment down to the brass, but it is another thing entirely allow dust and fungus to grow unchecked in your lenses and blow it off as "normal wear."


When your camera's shutter gums up, you naturally have it cleaned. Since light passes through the optical formula and makes images on the film's emulsion, it's obvious to me that any obstruction in the glass will affect (however minor) the final result on the film.


IMO, what you're showing us here is beyond acceptable wear. Against the advice you otherwise seem to be getting here, I say get it cleaned.


Regards, Bill

When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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Dust will have no affect in the amount you have. If it were my lens, it would go to DAG for cleaning anyway. Use your flashlight and you will probably fine some haze too which will make it look like a Nikon. Any amount must be cleaned or you will get all kinds of Leica GLOW and reduced contrast.
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