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10D sensor cleaning


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First get ahold of some suitable materials. If you just have dust on the sensor, you can

use a blower bulb with the camera in cleaning mode with the mount facing down. Give it

some real good squeezes in a dust free area, and check it by taking an out of focus picture

of the ceiling at f/32 (or the narrowest you can get).


I find this usually does the trick. If I have gunk stuck on the sensor, though, I break out

the Eclipse solution and the Sensor Swabs, flip the camera into cleaning mode, put on a

bandana cowboy style to eliminate the possibility of expelling tiny droplets of moisture

and microboogers and stuff onto the sensor, and use the pecpads. Some people prefer a

cut up credit card with a PecPad folded around it, but I like Sensor Swabs.


There are visual instructions on how to do it somewhere on the net.

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I was told to use only blower but there are times

when even the best blowing efforts didnt get rid

of some stuborn patches.


Next i did the swab thing but found that the swab itself

does add to the particles ( swab material is non-woven )

Not exactly a clean-room candidate.


I found the cheapest and most effective is a soft makeup

brush. Make sure you bought it new.

Blower it clean, and then, gently rotate it around the sensor

Not sweep it across, just rotate it on the sensor.

THen Blower the sensor


even the most stubborn patches come off

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Here are a couple more:






These procedures are safe and easy if you get the right materials, relax and take your time. You'll be nervous the first few times, but you'll get over it, and it'll become routine. You may also use more cleaning fluid than needed, and clean your sensor more often than necessary when you first start, but you'll soon develop a sense of appropriateness for these things, as well.

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Just to reassure you, I've cleaned my 10D sensor perhaps a dozen times and my 5D sensor a few times using the "cleaningdigitalcameras.com" directions. I use Pec Pads and HPLC grade methanol (if you know someone that works in a lab, they likely have access to this relatively high purity methanol).


Make sure you blow the sensor off before you start. I cut a soft rubber spatula to fit just smaller than the sensor (the shorter dimension), and wrap the spatula with the PecPad. This is dipped (not soaked) in methanol, then drawn across the sensor, followed by blowing. I then check by shooting a white sheet of paper at f16 or f22 to see any remaining specs, then pay extra attention to that part of the sensor (if necessary). Works like a charm! No fears (be gentle and as everyone says...do it at your own risk).


Richard Mitchell


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I have found the Artic Butterfly a very cost effective way to clean the sensor of my DSLR, when it is only matter of dust (which is, most of the time). See http://www.visibledust.com .


If it is stubborn stuff, then I use the Photographic Solutions Sensor swabs with Eclipse fluid. Those swabs are shaped and sized for the sensor of the specific camera, and it is quite easy not to leave streaks with the fluid.


I have no affiliation with those vendors, just a customer.

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