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Photo effects & filters

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As Patrick said, lighting and skill. It's not Photo "shop", it's Photo "graphy".


I don't see anything "surreal" about those images. Romantic, maybe. My opinion is that Patrick assumed too much processing. No soft focus filter, and no texture. Just a lens with nice bokeh (a pleasing "character" to out of focus areas). Look closely, the portions of the images that are sin focus are reasonably sharp and contrasty, with no texture other than their own.


The second looks like a single window for light.

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OH easy.


Go and buy the most current digital camera out there with say hmmm 10 MP and then DL then just make sure the camera is set to auto everything and start pushing the button. Don�t worry about light or anything. Photoshop will create the image for you, as there is no talent in taking pictures. Just push a button and off you go. Creativity? Don�t need it when you got Photoshop. Just load in CS push a few buttons, setup that ink printer and go at it. 1 million copies of identical pieces or paper with spray paint all over them.


Heck in this technology age who needs creativity or talent. The computers will do it for it.




Word of advice, go and buy a Pentax K1000 a bulk loader and starting taking real pictures and learn how to manipulate the light, the scene, expose the film, develop and print it to your taste, and most importantly, do not rely on a computer.


Rely on yourself and YOUR artistic vision, not computers.

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