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Lighting Moduler Furnitur Indoor


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Friends kindly suggest which background is best to shoot wodden furniture

indoor black or white or something else. I have to give cutout of the furniture

as final picture. Kindly also suggest the best way to lightup the furniture.

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Light on a seamless white background.


Give yourself several feet between the BG and the furniture, that way you can light the

background seperately to over-expose it a stop or two (to take it to pure white).


As for the light on the furniture itself. That depends wildly on what you want it to look like.

And whether you need to control reflections in metal, or created depth in carved wood, etc.

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Thanks a million Will, Shoot is for catalogue and I need great amount of sharpness, I�ve been shooting Interiors for long but always on location. Can you also help me in deciding what colour background will be best Black or white, though from your answer I think I should go for white.
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