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W/NW: Forza Italia!

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Did Zidane use a head butt because the use of hands or fists is illegal in soccer? Watching soccer on TB is like watching paint dry. At the one and only professional game I attended, seated in the second deck, one could visualize plays forming. Since TV concentrates on a small regiona around the ball, the action appears to be purely random. Of course, the US is a hand-eye coordination country, with an attention span considerably shorter than the length of a soccer game. Except for our medieval inbred cousins from the deep south who get their jollies at NASCAR events, i.e., wtching traffic for 3 hours.
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Yes indeed you are right. This is the danger of reading the news media to soon after the event. Seems it was Materazzi's agent who said he was a 'good boy'.


Probably best to wait until the dust has settled and some hard facts have emerged after a properly conducted inquiry.


Football deserves them both.

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Uggh! I feel rotten for Zidane. I think if the reports are true about Maserati, and what he said,

how can you really criticize Zisou for being a hothead? Under the circumstances his response

was pretty restrained.


Oh, and by the way, pardon my ignorance, but is there some reason why Zidane has to retire.

Is he too old to go on playing?

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Maybe all that racism is wearing him down. I haven't lived in Europe for almost 20 years, and

I had no idea it was so bad. I thought all those things, like getting the teams to read

affirmations against racism was going overboard, but now it seems like a drop in the bucket.


Having said that, I have no idea if Materazzi is a real racist, or just a genius at playing dirty.

They should call him the Machiavelli of the pitch.

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Yeah Kerry? You are trying to wind us up here, aren't you?


American sports are a big joke compared to soccer. American football is built around tv

ads, just like baseball, and basketball. The reason soccer is not big in America is because

it does not conveniently break for a message from "our sponsor."


I mean, how many people actually play any of those sports? And why are none of them as

popular as socccer, they don't have that magic.


American football is for pansies who need to pad themselves in armor, not a real game for

men like rugby. Basketball has a height restriction, which restricts it to freaks of nature

over 6' 7", baseball is ok, but it's hardly a strenuous sport, ice hockey is for anti s0cial

psycopaths, golf is for rich white folk.


Nah, leave it out mate!

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"Thank the Lord we had a real sporting event tonight, the baseball all star game, to hopefully put an end to silly men running around in short pants and big heads (but no arms)" K. Kennedy.




What do you think of men dressed in pijamas, chewing and spitting incessantly, using sign language that resembles obscene remarks, and throwing balls at each other.

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