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The camera that won't go away

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Those are terrific shots. You've got a good Cintar there, but moreover you have mastered all the C-3 quirks and gone beyond the limitations to produce superb photos. There are so few American-made classic 35s, I'm glad that contributors to this forum exercise theirs and post pictures.



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Amazing shots. What was more amazing to me was the time line caption on the photo of the camera. 1939 to 1966!!!!??

Was it really in production through 1966. By that time, surely Japanese and German cameras had far more features. I don't doubt your information, I'm just amazed at the length of time it was in production.

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Yes, Ken, you could in fact still buy a brand new Brick after I started grade school. My brother owned one about that vintage in the early 1970s, shot some nice stuff and then sold/traded it for I don't remember what (might have been for his first clarinet -- he's now a music teacher).


And pardon my nitpicking, but I don't think the Brick was bakelite -- though the A was -- I recall my brother's C-3 being much too heavy for plastic, it had to be at least mostly metal (which, along with its price relative to other RF cameras, might have contributed to its long run).

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Fine work as usual Gene.


Donald's right. About the only thing plastic on a C3 was the frame counter dial on models after around 1952. They did snazz the design up a little around 1958 when the shutter cocking lever changed shape and the aperture ring changed to a funnel shaped ring around the lens front instead of being inset into the front of the lens.


From what I can see of Gene's example, it probably was made in the late 1940's.

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