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Good film sources in Canada


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I've decided to buy my film in North America, rather than carry it

with me from the UK this summer - too concerned about the possibility

of powerful x-ray scanning. Got a quote from a recommended dealer in

Toronto for Fuji Velvia and Astia, to supply and mail it to my

destination address in Ontario, but the price is actually higher than

I'm accustomed to paying in UK! Unusual...

Can anyone recommend a reliable Canadian pro dealer for Fuji, with

reasonable prices?

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I purchase Fuji Velvia (35mm) from a camera store chain called 'Lens &

Shutter' here in Vancouver for CDN$14.99 per roll of 36 exposure which

includes processing & mounting by L&S. I've sent in a number of rolls

processed by L&S and found the lab to be professional and compete

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Two large Toronto Photo shops which have decent prices (relative to other Canadian suppliers, anyway) and web sites are: Henry's www.henrys.com and

Vistek www.vistek.net

Give them a try.

You should also be aware that, for most Canadian mail order houses, the term "mail order" is pretty much a misnomer. They ship by courier which can easily add 10 bucks to your bill (depending on shipping speed).

You will find a fairly comprehensive list of Canadian suppliers on the Ace Index: www.acecam.com/canada1.html

There is quite a list of Ontario shops, many of which have e-mail and/or web sites, so you may be able to find one at your destination and save the shipping costs.

Hope it all works out for you, and enjoy Canada.

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I buy from films from ALT in Toronto, on Queens Street East near Church.


For example:


With volume discount,



35mm format:


10 rolls of Velvia is just under $10 each.


10 rolls if Agfa RSXII ASA 100 is about $7 each.


120mm fomat:


10 rolls of Velvia is about $6 each.


10 rolls of Agfa RSXII ASA 100 is just over $3 each.


Consumer grade films are expensive this year (as compared to last year). They are about $3 a roll of 24 exposures.


Not accurate to the last penny, just some reference.


Do not forget there is a 15% tax on everything. As a tourist, you are supposed to be able to claim them back when you go home.


Welcome to Canada.

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It happens that my wife and I are going to London for a week starting next Monday.


In case I run out of films, where can I find good prices of films?


How should I prepare myself to get good pictures of the changing of guards at Buckingham Palace.


Any other suggestions to photograph London?

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  • 1 year later...

It's best to shop around a bit when it comes to film, especially if you're getting a large amount. Luckily, in Toronto, you can just stop at the corner of Church and Queen and get four quotes in five-ten minutes. I did that a couple of weeks ago and saved nearly $2/roll on 20 rolls of Sensia II (the consumer version of Provia).


FWIW - the winning price, this time, was at Henry's (5.80$CDN/roll - a bit less than 4$US, with the next lowest just under 7). That said, I've found much better prices on colour or b&w print film at Alt and Downtown in the past, and the developing-included deal at Downtown for Royal Gold 400 is IMHO excellent.


Prices on medium format films will probably vary likewise. If you're in Toronto, spend some time on the ground getting quotes and it'll pay off in the end.

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