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I just noticed (sadly) that i've been using my crop tool (in pscs)

with the resolution set at 300 pixels/cm vs. pixels/in. <br><Br>

i have also duly noted that these files are much bigger set to cm

than inches which does make perfect sense to me. These images are

now actually a higher resolution than i need (provided my logic here

isnt too flawed.) <br><br> My goal will ultimately be to upload

and print these files, if i ran an action to update the Image size

resolution (im talking about 1500 images as apprently ive made this

error quite some time ago) would i be seriously degrading the

quality of the jpgs (which have only been saved once at the highest

quality setting?)

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yes, i know that but if its a high quality how badly, would i notice an issue a 8x12 inch print? Also if these images were sharpened already for 300/cn will they be very oversharpened for 300/in? I guess ill have to run a bunch of test to see for myself but i was hoping for a quick and easy way since there are so many files (and i am clearly such a big loser)
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Thanks Peter - you made me feel a lot better about it. I've now done some test and there is definitely an issue with the sharpening... so im just going back to the orig files, recropping and sharpening. And thankfully its not taking as long as i thought it would... and ive certainly learnt my lesson on checking all tool settings for the future.
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