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Epson R-D1


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What have your experiences been like with the Epson? I understand there is an upgrade, the "S" model, I believe. Rumor is the price is dropping to US $2,000, but right now no one seems to have it in stock. I'm sort of anxious to purchase one but need to really know the quality is first-rate. Knowing it uses the same sensor as the Nikon D70s, which I found to be very good up to just short of 1,600 ISO, I believe it should be pretty good. What are your impressions? Other owners chime in to.

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I bought the RD-1s in Tokyo less than two weeks ago, and so far--I have no English manual yet--I love it. It works very well with the 50 'cron and 40mm lenses--which actually seem closer to the 35mm frame than a 35--at least to me. My first surprise came when putting on a 21mm Kobalux. Instead of getting a 32mm-like image, I get something much clser to 24mm. Maybe that's from the deepness of the elements and proximity to the sensor? Framing is a pain with that one, but using the 21mm finder and a lot of mental calculations, it is not so difficult.


My one peeve is that you cannot effectively use the macro adaptor for the 90mm Macro-Elmar... The adapter blocks the rangefinder and viewfinder. But the lens itself works fine.


Alex Shishin tried it out when we met up in Kobe. I think that he likes it too.


I am in Korea, using a hotel computer, so I cannot upload any images, but my recent posts in the Asian Spring NW/W are with the RD-1s and 50 'cron or CV 40/1.4. (Larger versions in my Japan folder.)

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Thanks so much for your input. The pictures are beautiful. Actually much better than what I've seen posted before from this camera, although it's truly hard to judge quality off internet posts. If I purchase one I will probably use it mostly with the VC 28/1.9 and 40/1.4 (already own) and the 15/4.5 as my wide-angle to normal set-up along with my Canon 20D with 70-200/2.8 IS for telephoto and sports photography for my daily newspaper work. I really miss not using a rangefinder (I have a Leica M6ttl and Voigtlaender R-3a) to use on a daily basis. This might sound stupid, but I need something to slow me down and think before I pick up a camera and start pointing and shooting.

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If anybody want to see more RD-1 files please e-mail me. I have some 1 Mb TIFF files shot with the Noctilux and 35mm Summilux aspherical lenses. The RD-1 is going to replace all my color film shooting and my film bodies will now just do b/w. I have been playing with this color/bw conversion software that is pretty cool. I may have no reason to shoot film at all. The RD-1 retains the color characteristics of my Leica lenses and that was what did it for me.
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Dayton, simply put, I've been staggered by the results from the R-D1. I bought it a few days ago after much to'ing and fro'ing and wasn't sure what to expect, but decided to go ahead after playing with some R lenses on a Canon DSLR and being very impressed. The results so far have been fantastic. The new S version has, I understand, some minor upgrades to it, but your best bet is to pick up a good condition used model from a dealer.<div>00GAPd-29602184.jpg.24516d61a6a8fa98c3b5adc7b0184213.jpg</div>
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I appreciate the input from everyone. I must say after looking at some of the work offered that I am quite stunned by the natural saturation of color in these photos. I guess I just now need to confirm the price lowering rumor and dump one of my 20D's and my 16-35. I hope Epson keeps pushing the envelope on this camera because I really love shooting with a rangefinder and am forced to shoot digital for work, so this would be the best of both worlds. Again, thanks for the input from everyone.
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  • 1 month later...

Dayton, I don't know if you or anyone else on this page is still shopping Rd-1, but Robert White in England is selling them for about $2100 USD...I bought one and Robt White was superb...I live in Michigan but had my Rd-1 within three days!! I'm still learning the RD-1 and just upgraded to firmware 2.0 so I am not as experience d as the others on this page who have produced such gorgeous rd-1 images....just wanted to alert folks to the great price at white's ..its worth the extra postage...by the way, there didnt seem to be a duty costs...


frank weir


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