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I got an RD-1s Yesterday


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In Osaka. I'll tell you more later. At the moment I am falling in love with

this thing.


One little thing I discovered. I've this Olympus 16/3.5 fisheye + Olympus to

Lecia screw mount adapter that I've used for years with either makeshift finders

or no finders at all. Guess what finder works with it on the RD-1s. The 15mm



I think there is a slight horizontal focusing problem, but won't take it to

Epson until after my university's Open Campus in about a week. The problem

seems to go away when I use Leica M lenses, as opposed to those with M adapters.

Have actually downloaded a pile of shots, but will need to sort through them

before posting anything.


If my Pentax ist D were a jumbo jet, the RD-1s would be the X-15.


With tax it cost me 250,000 yen. For 60,000 less I could have bought a Canon

7sZ with a 50/0.98 lens.

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congradulations! I love mine (R-D1, not s).

if you wish, check that link for an illustrated calibration instructions. Some generous guy did

it himself and posted instructions for the world to see. It is not complicated at all:




I got many R-D1 photos on my portfolio, if you are interested:



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The Nikon D200 is now 970 GBP (+ VAT) and takes Zeiss ZF lenses.


A comparison between a D200 and an RD1-s both with the same focal length Zeiss (ZM or ZF) lens would be interesting. They both have the same 1.5X digital crop.


The ZF lenses also seem to to have a big price advantage over ZM. The Planar 50mm f/1.4 ZF is 100 GBP cheaper (and a stop faster) and when you get to the 85mm lenses, the ZF (Nikon Ai-s) is under half the price of the ZM version.


This is a comparison I would be really interested in seeing.

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It's about time you got yourself one, Alex! That's about what I paid for mine in Tokyo, although the exchange rate was better for me. About six or seven more yen to the dollar then. Let me know if you agree that some lenses just do not follow the crop factor of 1.53, or what ever it is supposed to be. My 21 does not, my 35s and 40s do not. A 40 'cron fits the 35 frames almost perfectly. But as with any camera, you just have to get used to it. It turns the 50 'cron into a nice protrait lens.
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Thanks guys! Rami, thank you for the link but since this thing is under warrenty I'm going to let Epson do it. I'll take it to Epson in Osaka and let them fiddle with it. It's not that bad and I have practical needs for this machine now.


James, the RD-1s is showing just how inconsistent all RF frames tend to be. An example: the frames of the R2A and R3A. The 75 and 90 mm frame of the R3A are nearly identical to the 85 and 100 mm frames of the Canon 7 and 7s. The R2A's frame are a more like 73 and 85mm. And so it goes. Yesterday I found that my old Nikkor 35 to 135 zoom finder is wildly inacurate. The 135mm is more like 200mm. I figured that the 50 frame is more acurately about 60mm (an excuse to get the rather dear Konica 60/1.2?!) and the 35mm frame is more like 45 (might try my Pentax 43/1.9) with it. The 28mm frame is so bananas that I am using both the Zeiss 25/2.8 and Ultron 28/1.9 with it. The good thing is that these frames compensate for the foibes of split-second shooting. The RD-1s has hardly any time lag--as good as Leica and Voigtlander RFs (which have gotten better and better).



Today, and only today, I double 28s, 35s, 50s. See what happens.


Will post when I think I have something worth posting. Thanks again everyone for your thoughts.

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Vivek, thanks for the tip. Will try.


Ray: I love the 53/2 + Contax adapter! Thanks. Enjoy the RD-1s.


Andy: You know me; I'll never grow up. Seriously, I have major grown-up problems now that I'm the unofficial in-house photog at my university. I gave up presenting at a conference in Vienna to shoot Taming of the Shrew at the university in May. I would have loved to have used the Pentax istD but it is noisy, like all SLRs so I used Leica Ms. (The effing Pentax chose that very time to go on the blink and so I shot my backstage and setting up shots with my old Pentax LX and "new" Nikon F3 + 24/2.) I am still scanning the film. This weeks after the Prez called my dept. chair to ask "Why aren't the 'Taming of the Shrew' not on-line yet. (I'm a fast scanner and a couple of shots got into the university weekly news sheet and something, presumably, is on-line. See the problem. Scanning piles of film is a pain. Street photography is one thing, shooting bulk is another. I need a quiet professional digital camera. The RD-1s is the camera at comes closest. Leica is going to come out with the MD some day. But I cannot wait until some day.


But you reminded me, Andy, that there are tons of used professional SLR for sale for a fraction of their original costs. The cameras replacing them are better, but those 2 and 3 year old oldtimers just recently created published pictures, won prizes for photog or just kept them alive and fairly well-fed.


So when are you in New York next?

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