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Simple and Quick DVD presentation


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Ok, I know this has been asked many, many times. However, I'm looking for a

presentation I can do quickly. I don't need anything fancy. It is not for

customer however I will need to run it on TV rather than PC. Is there something

out there that can do this fairly simple slideshow? I've got Nero and know that

this might be done through it but can't seem to either know it or don't have the

version that burning slideshows is possible. Can anybody help?

This is for quick presentation I need to have for tomorrow!

Thank you!

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I've been really interested in this software (link below).....




It's been advertised in magazines forever now it seems and yet it's still not available. I don't know what the holdup is with it but it seems like a good software for slideshow presentations. Maybe this will do DVD's when it's ready? Of couse there's so little info on it on their website too....

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I've had nothing but problems with ProShow Gold. I really can't say that I've used a program with more bugs before (unless you count Win98).


Half the time the program randomly quits in the middle of what you're doing. When you pull up saved work, it's not always exactly how you saved it last. Depending on the version you have, it will choose the very first image in the slideshow and set it as the title page image, even though you've designated another one. Doesn't always support the background music that supposedly it supports. Also, the company keeps it a secret that Macs can't play any of the slideshows, except the DVD version (when you find this out trying to get clients with Macs to see something... anything... it's a little maddening). It's been nothing but a hassle, and hardly worth $70.


And these problems are not user error: I'm A+ certified computer technician, and have tried the program on two different computers. Same results. Don't believe me? Type in "ProShow Gold bugs" and you'll get pages of hits on the subject. Also, CNET editors gave the program a 5.3 out of 10 in their product review.


I would definitely recommend looking into other DVD slideshow programs.


(*stepping off the soapbox*)



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Sad to say, I must agree with Jennie that ProShow Gold is indeed buggy.


I had ProShow Gold installed in my laptop right before I took a 20+ hours flight from US to Malaysia few months back, to photograph my sis' wedding and also build slideshow DVD for 2 dinners. As for both slideshow DVDs I built, I had about 100 slides with background musics and everything worked fine.


Later, I had someone asking me to build him a trip slideshow DVD that consists about 300 slides with background musics. Everytime I burnt the DVD, it will not play and neither the laptop or the stand alone DVD-player could recognize the DVD disc. I tried burning 3 times in a row with different DVD brands (each DVD takes about an hour to burn), and 3 times it failed. Then after I started to realize that ProShow Gold has some buffering issue, I decided to write the slideshow into an ISO file first (ProShow Gold allows you to do that), then use Nero to burn it to a DVD, and finally it works. Heck, if I have only an hour to create a DVD slideshow for a wedding dinner, I don't know if I could trust this software to do the job for me.


Good part about this software is that the DVD slide quality is much better than some of other softwares I have tried... or maybe it's just my eyes.

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