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Kinax 3 1/4 x 2 1/4 folding camera value and history??

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Victor is right, you have to learn to feed yourself. Asking questions and hoping that someone will take pity on you doesn't count as feeding yourself.


But since you're a clueless imbecile I'll take pity on you. Look here http://www.collection-appareils.com/


If you're thinking of selling one and wonder how much it will bring, there are two answers. Not as much as you'd like. And, put it up for sale on eBay and the answer will arrive at the end of the auction.

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There's a real simple way of figuring this out, and it works with everything.


Value is what someone will pay, not the price the seller is asking. Thus the value of (everything) is determined by the buyer, always.


Doesn't matter what it is, new or used.

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Hi Lee Ann , Kinax S.A. Montreuil sur Bois. more info and a photo would help. There are five different models Kinax I & II / Kinax Alsace / Kinax Baby / Kinax Cadet / Kinax Junior and Kinax Super made between 1947- 1950 the value is around $ 50.00 . As already pointed out here its best to check Ebay completed sales. I hope this helps , Manfred
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Brian, if you don't search (Google, others) before asking you're at best pretty damned lazy too. There's no justification for not searching and failing before asking.


Please note that I directed the person to a site with a clear and concise Kinax history in French and English. I found it by using Google. What I have done, you can do.

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Bull butter Dan. There are lots of reasons someone may not have done a search- limited access to a computer, limited computer skills, limited language skills, heck they may think that posting a question to a bunch of old camera geeks may just be a way to get good information.

Whatever the reason, name calling adds nothing for anyone, annoys lots of folks, and reflects badly on you.

Here is a question for you, would you speak to someone like that if they were sitting there with you in person? My guess is that you would not, as you know what the result would be.

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<i>Thinking of which, what of substance have you added to this discussion</i>


I'd opine that, while you addressed the original post, Dan, the substance you've brought to this discussion has been minimal.


Sadly, I've nothing to add to the post, other than my discouragement that photo.net remains, unfortunately, the same.

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If you spoke to me like that in person, I would have a real moral dilema. One the one hand I am a peacable person by nature, who thinks that viloence is not a good way to solve conflicts. On the other hand, I would feel compelled to dot your eye. It would be a challenge to see which won out.
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Dan Fromm, folks like you are the best free advertising a decent site-admin can find. I cannot believe the brutal manner in which you treat the thread-starter here. <p>

I invite all who find Dan's form of welcome nothing short of disgusting to join us at <a href="http://nelsonfoto.com/phpBB2/index.php">NelsonFoto Forums</a>, where this sort of behavior is not only not tolerated but dealt with swiftly.<p>

CE Nelson<p>

nelsonfoto admin

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Scott, of course you're right. Photo.net is infested with barbarians. And by that I mean people who don't conform to the norms of civilized behavior, not unfortunates who aren't hellenes.


This response is the fifteenth post to this thread. At best two of the posts addressed the original question in a useful way. Most of the others came from non-violent bystanders who are trying to pick fights. One of them even threatened violence. As you were saying, Scott, this place is filled with barbarians.


By all means go over to Craig's bulletin board. He enforces decorous behavior, as he understands it. But if you go, don't tease him.

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Hell, if teasing were my Achilles, I'd be well-hobbled by now. Folks can and do take playful pokes at me, and I at them, without incident.


No, Dan, yer brand of teasing is not mere piss-taking, it's mean, patently. I think you know it at some profound level, but I'm not sure why you - why ANY - would feel driven to respond to queries as you do. I'm not here to bait you, only to point out the obvious about your behavior. I'm not the only one, and you are surely aware of that, have been around long enough and have butted heads enough to have the point driven through your skull, but you persist unfazed.


CE Nelson

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No one threatend you with violence. Not only are you mean, you evidently have trouble reading also.

Here is the deal- first, from the question asked by LeeAnn Bowers, you had no way of knowing if she had done any research prior to posting here, a site frequented by people such as yourself, with lots of knowledge of old cameras. Seems a logical place to ask that sort of question to me.

Then, making the assumption that she had not done a search, you proceeded to be insulting and and call her names.

That, at least to me, is over the top.

I think you owe her an apology.

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Hold your horses folks! Check out Lee Ann Bowers' posting history here:




Sure it is good to have queries of any kind on old cameras but could these string of questions be answered by google or something similar?


Surely, yes.

Craig, Whatever spat you had with Dan in your outfit does not belong here.


I see one useful answer to the original qusetion. Rest is cybercrap.

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Whether or not Bowers was out of line to post the question isn't what I take issue with. A good argument could be made that she was, it matters not to me. What I take issue with is someone just poppimg off calling names and being rude. There is no call for that.

I have been on the receiving end of this sort of stuff on this site before, and to be honest, I really don't understand it. It reflects badly on everyone who is a member, and the adminstrators for tolerating it. Disagree with me, disagree passionatley, fine, but name calling? Come on, its out of line.

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