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Found Film 3 - Kodacolor X

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Here?s the third set of pictures developed from Kodacolor X that was

exposed in an Ansco Readyflash camera. The link to the thread with

the processing information is:



These pictures seem to be from a later era than the others. Each of

these series overlaps each other on the three rolls of film that came

with the camera, so they were shot in sequence. Only 3 rolls in I do

not know how many years! I wonder why no one bothered to get them

developed. Then again, maybe I should not be surprised.


There were more pictures in this series than the others, but many

didn?t come out well and I don?t want to bore the forum with too many

similar shots. Here?s a subset of the graduation series.


Here is the better of two shots of the graduate with grandma?<div>00CGa5-23640984.jpg.80e29fe1d4b33fb7d555124ef097bfed.jpg</div>

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It appears to be a dreary day. Most of the shots outside appear underexposed. This shot appears to be our hero on stage. Those do appear to be hills behind him. The topography is much flatter in pictures taken to the left.<div>00CGaA-23641184.jpg.926884f1d689759ba36e478f05122421.jpg</div>
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Party time! This picture was actually between grandma and the ceremony. The bottle behind the soft drink bottle clearly has a tax stamp on the cap.


Overall, I no longer have a fear of processing Kodacolor X as B/W. Color might be nice, but it is doubtful that it will survive well this long. And, the results are much quicker and cheaper than sending it off.<div>00CGaG-23641384.jpg.696811515e85e7576f89b52e1cb2ba65.jpg</div>

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Paul, From looking at your 3 series, and being of the same era (I'm 50)I'd put the confirmation at mid 60's (1964?) and the graduate at maybe 1970 to 72. Even today, the age at which you are confirmed can vary from one parish to the next by a couple of years. So, could the boy be the same one? My first guess is no, but a lot of growing and changes take place between the age of 13 to 17. What do others think?
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