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Ball head for Bronica SQ-Ai - on Feisol CT-3301N?


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I've pretty much decided on the Feisol CT-3301N carbon fiber tripod.

It looks like a good balance of performance/cost/height for medium



Does anyone have a good suggestion for a "decent" ball head to go on

this tripod for a Bronica SQ-Ai? I say decent because I know I

cannot afford the high-end heads that are usually recommmended, like

a Swiss Arca, Really Right Stuff, etc. I'm sure they are good, but

I'm thinking target $100 or around there for the head. Less weight

is better - this is for backpacking this summer - hence the carbon


With 6x6 I don't believe it has to be Super Man strong, because I

won't be flipping the camera to Portrait mode, like I would with a

heavy DSLR / long lens combo. But I realize it's got to be stable

enough to take that Bronica shutter recoil! :-)<BR>

Thanks for suggestions,<BR>


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Ditto the Kirk BH-3 recommendation. You WANT to use the Arca Swiss clamp system, and the Kirk is the cheapest way into that. It's a great ballhead, and even includes a quick release plate with the ballhead (plates can be expensive).


I use a Kirk BH-3 with my Feisol CT-3301N and it's a great lightweight combo. It's even strong enough to support my 10lb 4x5 monorail.


Trust me, if you buy anything lesser, you'll be thinking about an upgrade in 6 months.

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OK, thanks guys. Sorry David, I attached this question on to my other post in the MF forum because no one had responded here. Thanks for the recommends...I will look at all the heads suggested and see how much the budget can stretch. Bottom line, if it can, I will. If it can't, I'll get what I can, and upgrade when I have the money. I'm just excited to even be starting up MF finally!<BR>

Appreciate all the help,<BR>


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