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Butterfly Presentation Posted


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Paul, There are several nice captures. I am very disappointed that you gave 0 details. Most notable ommission is what sort of a butterfly (or for that matter a bird, etc from your other folders) is one looking at.


You being a biologist prompts that comment.

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Beautiful shots Paul. It looks like you live in Raleigh? Was this at the Magic Wings Butterfly House in Durham? I went there a few weeks ago but I took some friends who aren't as patient as I am so all I got were these:




All hand held although I used the VR on the 70-200 for some. I've only got a 55mm macro, did you use a 200? I'll have to go back in a few weeks.

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Vivek, your comments are on the mark and well taken. I put these together in a bit of a rush. My apologies, I will annotate. I wanted to share and was a bit hasty. Not so much an excuse as an explaination.


As for other comments...These were, in fact, from the Magic Wings Butterfly House in Durham, NC. I've been helping out there a bit with photography and some other biologist type work.


My set-up has consisted of a D70 with 50mm and 180mm Macro lenses and a 20D with an MP-E 65mm. I use off camera flash and, to a lesser extent, a ringlight. I find that the off-camera flsh helps bring out the complex texture of the wings.

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When I shoot similar images at the Cockrell butterfly center with my Nikon D200, I use a Nikon 200mm f 4.0 AF macro lens in aperture priority with a SB-800 flash off (above) camera with TTL BL set on the flash and flash exp comp set on the flash at a minus 1. I err on underexpsoing rather than overexposing. Tripods are not allowed so I use a monopod. Joe Smith
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