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Series VI thread adaptors?


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Hello all,


I'm just wondering if there is an adaptor that slips onto the old

threadless lenses ( Series VI ) that have a thread and allow you to

step up or just screw on filters?


Thanks, Simon.

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Well it seems there is, I just scored one off Ebay but am now curious to know what the thread size is on this Kodak screw in adaptor. I have sent a mail to the seller but if anyone has direct knowledge in the meantime I would apreciate the info.
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Hey Ed,


Well the item I bought seems not to be a threaded filter adaptor for series VI systems. I am negotiating with the seller to work this out, seems the item was a screw in adaptor with the usual Series VI drop in.


I had another though though ... I decided to measure the thread size of the standard Series VI slip on adaptors retaining ring and it measures to 42mm. Now call me crazy but wouldn't it be possible to just get a 42mm - whatever step up ring and just screw into where the usual retainer ring would go? Conversely, if I wanted to use Cokin or other P style filters, would it not be equally possible to just use a 42mm adaptor for those also?

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Simon, there's an easier way.


Buy a cheap 49 mm UV filter and remove the retaining ring and the glass. With epoxy, carefully glue the body of the UV filter into a slip-on Series VI adapter (the rear threads of the 49 mm unit should just slip into the opening in the Series VI adapter, with a little bit of "play." Since epoxy will expand to fill space, you will end up with a strong glue joint. Be sure to clean the mating surface of both parts first; at least wipe them down with a lintless tissue dipped in alcohol, to degrease the threads).


I did this so I could use my 55 mm linear polarizer on a Crown Graphic, and it has worked out just fine.


Good shooting.


/s/ David Beal ** Memories Preserved Photography, LLC

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I intend to get this happening for my Crown Graphic also, but one thing escapes me here. My Series VI slip on adaptor takes a 44mm thread, that is the diameter of the retaining ring that usually holds the drop in filters in place. The use of a 49mm UV would far exceed the diameter of this adaptor and would not slip inside it. Are you sure you don't mean getting a 44mm UV and doing the same thing? Another problem is that I want a 44-52mm step up and if I just bought a UV with 44mm thread, front and back, I would still need to step up with yet another ring to get there. What I am currently looking for is essentially a 44-52mm step up ring at which point I can use my 52mm Cokin P adaptor for the entire series in P filters.

Best, Simon.

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Hello Simon,


I use series 6, 7, & 8 filters with numerous size slip-on adapters. I am using a (wait I had to change glasses) Kodak series VII adapter ringwith a 1 11/16in-42.5mm (grimp type) slip-on. From this I step a 55mm stepdown to 52mm and this array allows me to use all my Nikon system 52mm filters on my 10 3/4" APO artar. This lens is listed with a 43mm outside rim size.


This same setup is used across several of my lenses by changing to the appropriate slip-on adapter.


I suggest you try Midwest Camera Exchange, B&H, Calumet or Tiffen for the old series slip on's. Currently I am looking for a series VII stepdown to 52mm for a better fit than the 55mm-52mm ring.


One last note, watch out for clipping of your corners if you don't use wider than needed steps.


Hope this helps, Paul

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No worries David, the old Graflex cameras hold many mysteries in their lenses and general accessories that are often a joy to discover! I'm not surprised you might have something a bit different from my own.
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Hey Paul.


Thanks for your comments, I have a large P system and all the adaptor rings I need for my various lenses but for the 135mm Optar that has no front thread. My way around this is to just get a 44-52mm step up to screw straight into my Series VI slip on adaptor that will just mate with the retaining rings space and then just screw in my P adaptor ring into that. I have a slimline Wide Angle P holder which ought to take care of any vignetting ... but trial and error is always the order of the day. I have found a 44-52 so it should all work out.

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Hey Paul,


I might be interested, what lens are you selling? Got a link to the auction also? Drop me your e-mail and any particulars.


You can reach me on psi_fan@yahoo.com


Best regards, Simon

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I have never seen Series VI to 49mm (or any size for that matter). I do have a Spiratone Series VII to 52mm ring that I bought in 1976 from Spiratone to use with my 80mm Ekatar for the Hasselbald 1000F. Spiratone had them in Series 7 and Series 8 way back in the 70's so thay are out there.


I just had SK Grimes overhaul my 135mm Optar and they made me a 40.5mm slip-on ring. It slips on the lens and I screw in 40.5mm filters. They can make any size you want. Cost was around $50 or so.

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  • 2 years later...

I got a cheap 43-49 mm step up ring and a Series VI filter holder. I took the thread-in filter retaining ring off the Series VI adapter. I then glued the 43-49 S-U ring into the back part of the Series VI adapter with contact cement before it dried. I then put weight on unit so it cured as aligned as I had any control over. (I've had unclamped contact cement move when drying).


When dry I painted the inner surfaces and contact cement with flat black paint.


I just noticed the one I made was on a No. 24 Series VI adapter, which best I can figure is a 42mm thread. I hope I didn't pick up the wrong ring & make an orphan one that only fits one camera I don't own.


There's an advantage of contact cement over epoxy...I can undo this if needed.


Now if I could only figure out the numbering systems of the adapters...what the heck was a No. 24?


Oh, I just figured out what a 532 was...seemed meaningless, but it's a 32mm Series 5 (or that's a coincidence).


But I have a 503 Series V ring for Iloca Stereo. That doesn't fit the above pattern >:O() .

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