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Flash Bracket


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I am having a slight problem finding a flash bracket that will work

with my Canon Elan 7. I have the battery pack attached to the Elan

and would like to keep it. I bought a Stroboframe, but because of the

location of the hole, and the size of the bracket it will not work.

I'm sure somebody out there has had the same problem, and I'm hoping

somebody has the answer. I'd like something that can go both

horizontal and vertical. Any help would be great.





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Hi Eric,

I use a Stroboframe with my Elan 7 +Battery Pack and don't have any problems. Not sure what model I have since I bought it a while ago. On the one I have you can move the mounting bolt (bottom) to 7 different places, so the camera fits fine. Mine will also allow me to shoot vert/horz. I also use it with my Kodak DCS Pro SLR/c which is a much bigger camera and it works fine too. Not sure why yours won't work.


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I think the previous poster is on the right track... there is usually at least one other mounting position available (for the Nikon F4 actually). <br> <br>


I posted this recently... it's not about the Elan 7 but maybe you should see if it helps:

<A href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00CAlV">Rebel XT (350D) + BG-E3 Grip Stroboframe Anti-Twist Solved</A>

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my answer is simple. take off your batterry pack and use the now lighter camera on the strobo, and instead of spending another $100+ bucks on another bracket, go buy another elan 7, for $300, and put the battery pack on the new one. now you'll have a heck of a improved set up for spending little. remember, all the accesaries you buy for your current model semi-pro camera may be almost worthless to you when you upgrade to a full "pro" camera in a year or two, or three. tim from az.
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What Stroboframe are you talking about? Because you have the battery pack, you have to have a bracket that flips the flash to the right, which means you have to either use a flip bracket backwards or get a bracket that flips the camera. AND, you have to have a choice in the placement of the camera screw since the hole in the battery pack is offset. When I had my Elan, I used a Stratos bracket backwards. This only works if your hands aren't huge. The advantage of the Stratos is that you have many choices where to place the camera screw in relation to the bracket. You might try a Stroboframe Press/Pro T with the appropriate anti-twist plate, as well.
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