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Quality of Russian/Ukrainian MIR 65mm/45mm Lens


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Hi. I have a 35mm Praktica camera with a tilt shift adapter in which

I mounted a pentacon six Vega-125/90 mm lens. I find the angle of

view too narrow to take full advantage of the tilt shift lens effect.

So I am trying to invest on a good 65mm or 45mm wide angle Mir lens.

I am confused looking at the different models available and wonder if

anyone would be able to give me some advise on choosing the best MIR

lens at a reasonable price in the range of 50-60 dollars. Thanks for

the help.




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Hi Simon,

Interesting to read about your 'experiments'. I am into my own 'experiments' with a tilt-adapter from Zoerk in Germany. It is 'born' to allow me to use an enlarger lens (Rodagon 5.6/105) on my Olympus OM camera(s). But after getting an Olympus E-300 (DSLR) with a crop-factor of 2, I am trying to modify the adapter so that I can use my Mir 45mm MF lens (from my Salyut-S line). This will enable me to maintain more of the tilt effect - since 2x45mm is 'better than' 2x105mm. At the moment I am waiting for an adapter to be sent from a workshop in Poland that will allow the tilt-adapter to mount on the OE-300. Subsequently, I will engage on fitting the MF lens on the lens side of the tilt-adapter. Pre-trials seems to indicate there is sufficient space to allow the lens to focus all the way to infinity. I am not sure, however, what will be the minimum focusing distance. Please notice that my tilt-adapter is equipped with its own helicoid (or something to that effect) that is: It can displace the original enlarger lens. And this function will be used to move the MF lens back- and forwards because fastening the MF on the lens side of the tilt-adapter will require that I fix that lens in its infinity-position.


I suggest that you search for the Mir 45mm on ebay (US) where you should be able to get one in the range that you are indicating.


I am not sure if this was helpfull at all but I would like to get a few word from you about the origin of your 'combined tilt shift' adapter.




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Hi Mads. Thanks for the helpful advice. I also have an OM-2 in addition to Praktica MTL3. I am still waiting for the lens mount adaptor (M42 to OM mount) though to come from the US. I have a Vega 90mm mounted on the Kiev 6C adaptor to M42 on my Praktica. Everything works fine. I have taken some photos but I won't know about the quality until I get the film processed. My porblem relates to the incorrect focal length and narrow angle of the Vega lens. As you suggested I need a 45mm lens which I think is equivalent to 24mm in the 35mm camera. Here a photo of the lens mount I used for the MF lens. I bought this in eBAY from "grizzly33bear".<div>00GD1K-29653584.jpg.617fe4f052618684e411f1767807a3f6.jpg</div>
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Simon, your photo clarified things for me: You have a shift (only) adapter for MF on 35mm. Judged from its 'mutter', the adapter seems to be manufactured by the same workshop that makes the shift and shift-tilt lenses for 35mm SLR cameras that are advertised by Arax, Ukraine.


I noticed you didn't place a bid for the Mir45mm that I provided a link for?


Regards, Mads

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