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EOS Lenses on NON Canon DSLR?


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Hi - I have EOS-5 and have some good lens. Want to move over to Digital. Without

going into specifics as to why I would prefer avoiding purchase of a Canon DSLR

body - was wondering if I can purchase ANY specific NON Canon DSLR body and make

it work with the lens I already have.


[basically - an associate in my company seems to have come to the conclusion

that SLR is not for him and he happens to have a Olympus and a Pentax DSLR for

sale with the kit lens - which I can just push in eBay and he's giving it for

half the price ... thus wanted to take adv. of it]

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No, you can't.


You cannot use EOS lenses on any other camera. Even if you could mount physically mount them using an adapter (which doesn't exist) or duct tape, you'd have no way to control the aperture.


If you want to save money, get an EOS 20D or even a used EOS 20D.

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I agree with Andy. Just make sure that the selling prices on Ebay are more than you pay. When you say "half-price", in comparison to what? The retail price?


I recently sold my Canon Rebel 300D (body only) for $360, with 3 extra batteries. Technically, this is less than "half-price" when compared to the retail cost.


Basically, don't buy the DSLR for $400 dollars, if the same camera is selling for $350 on ebay. Because, you won't be able to sell it, for profit.


Otherwise, depending on the cameras, you might buy one of your friends, and perhaps test it out. I have heard some good things about Pentax DSLR's, depending on the model it is.



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Thanks Bob, Andy and Amol. Sincerely appreciated. He told me he wants to get rid of Olympus E-51 for $375.00 (body) and he has a new Pentax DSLR. Don't know the model, etc. Anyways, I'll review the forum here and try to decide upon a DSLR from Canon - somehow I didn't quite like the XTi and in a big dilemma between 20D and 30D (do I need spot? or don't I, etc. etc.) ....


I have shot all this while using Provia and really like it... i.e. continue to shoot using Flim, somehow I think I just LOVE my EOS-5 too much, really.... it's the truth!



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"was wondering if I can purchase ANY specific NON Canon DSLR body and make it work with the lens I already have."


Well, NO.


"Prefer avoiding purchase of a Canon DSLR body"


Why? They have the best sensors, with very low noise, great features. Get a 30D, I did and absolutely love it. Previously, I shot only film (1 year ago) and had no DSLRs, I was really late, you are even later.


Some say there is no reason to spend the extra money to get the 30D over a Rebel, and let me be the first to say I STRONGLY disagree. I think the size of the 30D as well as its metal construction and 5fps capability is important to me since I use it in my sports work. Plus, despite numerous "facts" in technical reviews, I still believe the 30D has slightly better overall image appearance than the XTi, whatever.


If for some strange reason you do not like the 30D then please explain, because its faults are far and few between.

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It's not that I don't WANT a Canon body - I REALLY, REALLY would want it. It's just that there was an option to get body of a diff. make almost new at a very low cost. Anyways, you good folks have convinced me!


About 30D or 20D vs. XTi, yesterday tried XTi in JnR. Funny that few point out, but I got used to my EOS-5 DUAL controls! It took me helluva time figuring out *now where did that dial on the back go to?* Ahh well, got it, need to press a button - but that's frustrating! I don't have a problem with size, since I'm a small person, but somehow I felt *cramped* with the XTi.





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