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Canon QL 17 battery ?

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Picked up a nice looking Canon QL17 today for $4.

No Battery still had a roll fo Tri-X in it. Camera is spotless but

case was shot. Had to wash junk off hands after handling.


Here is the question. What battery do I need and can I still get

them? I assume it required batteries to run or camera is shot.

Nothing happens when you press the shutter release. No batteries in

it though. I was in a hurry and for $4 just grabbed it without

looking. All I saw was that it was a QL17 and $4......Thanks Travis

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The easy thing is just to get a cheap alkaline 625 cell for $5 at your photo shop. They're not a perfect substitute for the mercury cell (1.5V and a sloping discharge curve), but if you're shooting print film, you'll be fine.


I use XP2 Super rated at 250 in my Canonet, and this works fine with an alkaline cell. Your mileage may vary.

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Do a goggle search for "mercury battery" and you will get all the information you need. In a very short form your option are:

1)Wein 1.35 cells. IMHO their price is ridicolously high.

2)Zinc-air 1.4 batteries for hearing aids. These are very cheap but only last 2.3 months once activated. In order to accomodate them in the battery compartment of aQL17 you will need an O-ring or something similar. Incidentally Wein cells also are Zinc-air but last a little bit longer.

3)Alkaline batteries. Not advisable because of the sloping curve discharge.

4) An adapter containing an SR44 1.6 silver-oxide battery. These can be bought or you can make one yourself with a little patience (instructions available online).

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