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Number of Images on 1G Card on D200 (D200 problem)


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I just bought a D200. I have always used D70's. When I put a 1GB card in my

D70s it says it will hold about 300 photos. When I put it in the D200 it says

it will hold like 166. Why so much less? Is it because of the higher megapixel??



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ou will get less because of the higher resolution, BUT, you may actually get more that the indicator says.


I have one of the original d200's. I recently bought a 2nd d200 as a backup. When I put my 1GB card in the original camaera, it says it will hold about 400 images (jpg basic). In the new camera, it shows about 600 on the empty card, again jpg basic.


I typically can take almost 800 images with the original camera. The initial count is an estimate. As the card fills up, the estimate becomes more accurate and adjusts based on actual file size rather than estimated file size.


I have not use the new camera enough, but I suspect I will get more than the initial count - I assume I the final number will be similar to the final count on my original camera. You will have to fill up the card to see what yours does.


Of course, all these amounts depend on how you have the setting is the camera as you can adjust files for size or quality settings in the custom settings.

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Stephen, you should also be aware that the default JPEG Compression setting is "Size Priority" - look under the Shooting Menu. As the manual says (see page 30) this tries to keep the file size uniform while varying the picture quality. This might give you room for a few more photos, but I personally prefer to change this setting to "Optimal Quality". It's great that you can choose!


Just thought I'd point this out.

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