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Convert your 616 folders to 135 roll film 24x108mm panorama camera

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<p>It's good to see these old folders being used; and if you like the results, fine.</p><p>That said, I don't know why this kind of thing is termed "panoramic". The lens was of standard width decades ago and that's the way it still is (assuming it hasn't been changed). It seems to me that what you're getting is not a panorama but a regular view with great chunks of the top and bottom chopped off.</p>
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<p>Again, I'm not knocking the 35mm idea -- especially as I'm too stupid/lazy/unenterprising/incompetent to convert any camera in any way whatever -- but my own tastes (of course no better than anybody else's) would be more satisfied by conversion to a mildly telephoto 6x9 or even 6x7.</p><p>Incidentally, there's lots of good stuff on 616 in <a href="http://nelsonfoto.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3947&highlight=616">this recent thread</a>.</p>
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Vivek, it used to be that a panorama had a horizontal angle of view > ~ 50 degrees. Often a lot greater. But nowadays people use the term to mean an image that's considerably, whatever that means, longer than it is high, and horizontal angle of view be damned.


There have been cameras sold with built-in masks for making negatives that will print as modern-style panoramas. And some of them have wide angle lenses. Confusing, eh?


I appreciate that Minh is trying to find a way to make interesting images on cheap film with a camera that normally takes very expensive film. Not the worst thing to do and I applaud his ingenuity.


But I persist in shooting my 38/4.5 Biogon on nominal 6x9, not the nominal 6x6 that nearly everyone but a tiny handful of Alpaists shoot theirs on. Yes of course its a waste of film acreage. But it saves me from carrying another roll holder or two, and it gives me cropping opportunities that 6x6 doesn't permit. Like 80 mm x 25 mm without vignetting.





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I would call this camera a "wide frame format". A panorama format can have the same ratio but its view angle is much larger, ideally shot with a swing lens camera, which scans the horizon of about 140 degrees, just like our own field of view.
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James, I meant just what I said.


I have a 1969-made 38/4.5 Biogon that I extracted from an aerial camera and had put in a Copal #0. I shoot it on my little Century Graphic. The Century accepts 6x6, 6x7, and 6x9 roll holders. I'm standardized on 6x9.


My 38 Biogon covers 84 mm with good illumination and sharpness, about 87 mm with good sharpness and poor illumination. Ain't no reason to restrict the lens to rectangles that fit in an 80 mm circle, and note that the square is a special case of the rectangle.


Most of the 38/4.5 Biogons in civilian hands are on Hasselblad SWs which shoot 6x6. A few are on Alpa 12s, which accept a modified RB back with gate 44 mm x 66 mm. 44 x 66 fits perfectly in an 80 mm circle.


I have it on good authority that chez Capaul & Weber I'm seen as an ignorant barbarian. This is true, but my little Biogon, which doesn't know better, works just fine on my Century.

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I use two rubber shims from an A/C hose for the take up spool. The normal lenses work better in panorama pictures when the ratio is 1x3 or wider. Try it and you'll see which one you prefer, I rather back up one step and get the same view without distortion. Minh
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  • 2 weeks later...
Nice idea...And unlike the "simulated" point-and-shoot panoramics that crop out the top and bottom of a single 35mm frame, this uses a whole long chunk at the full film width! What did you use for the two tracks that appear to run across the film plane?
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