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Does it make any difference if it is a Leica?

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I am the guy with the yellow leica.


Anyway sure enough, I want another Leica RF. The M4 was very very

nice, but I want a camera with ttl metering. Now, my question is this:


Does it really make a difference if it is a Leica or a Voitlander or

a Contax G2?


Of course, the Leica M6 with a 50 and a 35 and a 90 would be a wet

dream, but considering the punishing costs involved, one is forced to

scream "oh, the humanity!"


So I am looking at the Bessa and a 50 or whatever, or perhaps a G2

and 45.


It is quite possible that the G2 may even be a better picture taker.


Any comments.


I tried replacing my M with an R, but the camera and lenses are very

big and heavy.


I promise I will mercilessly down anyone that makes a glib or


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I've never tried a Voigtlander R or R2 but I've had an L body for several years with a 15mm lens and given it plenty of use. I've shot hundreds of rolls with it. The shutter release and film advance isn't "Leica smooth" but quite nice, the meter is accurate, and the slightly louder shutter noise is liveable. If I was looking for a metered body at a reasonable price I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Bessa.
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I had a G2 for a while, and the M6 is much better. I use only black and white film, but the

metering in the M6 seems tailor made for black and white. The results I got with the Contax

were acceptable, but were never amazing. The Zeiss lenses were a tad too sharp for me as

well, and I am not that big of a fan of AF. But, that is me, and you know what you want/need

best. Good luck!

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"Of course, the Leica M6 with a 50 and a 35 and a 90 would be a wet dream, but considering the punishing costs involved, one is forced to scream "oh, the humanity!" "


Claude, you have answered your own question. You want an M6. Get an M6, first with one lens, and then add the other two when you can. Leave humanity out of it. That's a separate issue. Just stick with the M6. The money you will save by not constantly buying and selling will ease away any need you may feel to scream.

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I used to have a Bessa R2 and I still have a Bessa L for 15 & 21mm lenses.


Of course an M6 is MUCH nicer than a Bessa but it won't have an effect on the Photos you

will take. You will just enjoy an M6 much more. If you skimp and get a Bessa you WILL

find a way to get an M6 later (I did anyway).


Getting a G2 doesn't really make sense as all of a sudden you are buying into another



KEH has a "Bargain" Summicron 40 for around $275 right now....you could get that and a

Bessa R3a and then you don't really need a 35 AND a 50. You can get a nice 90/2.8 fairly


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"I had a G2 for a while, and the M6 is much better. I use only black and white film, but the

metering in the M6 seems tailor made for black and white. The results I got with the

Contax were acceptable, but were never amazing. The Zeiss lenses were a tad too sharp

for me as well, and I am not that big of a fan of AF. But, that is me, and you know what

you want/need best. Good luck!"


How is metering made for any specific type of film? How is the M6 different than the

meter in the G2? They were acceptable, but never amazing, and too sharp? So let me

guess, softer is better but they had the "glow". I have shot both for many, many, many

rolls and each is a very usable camera whose abilities exceed most photographers,

including this one.

Seriously, I would bronze this post if I could to represent all that is wrong headed about

some (not all) of the Leica "mystique"

Claude: find camera you feel comfotable with and use it. That is all that there is.

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I have one of these lying around the house, apart from not being able to focus closer than 0.9m, does anyone think that this camera is any less of a performer than a Leica?


Seriously. Let's say, any one of us here is given a Leica M7 and a 35mm Summicron, and then they somehow use a time machine to get Cartier Bresson back in the present, and give hime the XA. And we are sent out on the streets of Tokyo for a shootout. Who comes back with the prize?

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You have one of what lying around the house?

Are you looking to the camera for inspiriation or as a tool?

Any good photographer should make do with what he has. I am certain that anyone on

this site could not determine what I have shot with my M6 and 35 'cron and my G2 and 35

Planar. Use what works for you.

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Claude: Use the Olympus XA. It takes film, has a lens and produces acceptable pictures based on the skill of the photographer. If you are unable to get good pictures, figure out why. Is it the camera/lens, film, processing or photographer? Go take some pictures instead of sitting here typing an answer to someone who .....



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<<does anyone think that this camera is any less of a performer than a Leica?>>


Try it and see for yourself. I have an XA....it is a fun compact camera but doesn't allow you

to control exposure.


I just developed several rolls of film tonight shot with a Leica, Hassy SWC, Hassy XPan and

an Olympus XA. I can see the difference in quality from looking at the negs from 6 feet

away :) Your results might be different.



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Hey Eric!


I would happily make you an offer on your Leica, problem is, I ain't even got a lousy dime.


What did you use to take the picture of the boots with traffic in the background? That is a very nice shot, my favorite of them all.


Also, why are you dumping the RF gear? Surely it has important applications, that are not covered by digital.


As it happens, I am at the office here and it is slow, so I put up some snaps I took with my R Summicron, that I scored a few weeks ago. Man, the colors and the bokeh, hmmm, very nice. And I can stick those R lenses on an EOS D

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I've slowly stopped using all my film gear Claude. I'm in love with the digital darkroom. I'm in love with making multiple back-up copies. I'm in love with walking into a store and switching my camera to 1600iso tungsten and then seconds later back outside to 100 iso daylight. I'm in love with the choice of the capture looking like my favorite E-6 or PanF50. I'm in love that every image doesn't have to get printed. I'm in love with not producing hundreds of plastic container's and empty cartridges every year. I'm in love with biased people not knowing what the hell I shot it on. I'm in love with hitting the trigger and having unbridled shooting and taking my camera everywhere becasue so. I'm in love not having third party humans making mistakes. I'm in love that the final image is all my responsibility. I'm in love with my two folders here being a digital creation. Something I couldn't do with film...<br><br>Thanks Claude, it's one of mine too. Boots with a D70. <br><br>

<center><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3393982-lg.jpg"></center><br><br>

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The Leica-M body makes some (or, probably in the view of most users, a lot) difference eg: if quietness is an issue - nothing comes close; if everlasting build matters - nothing comes close; if bright finder and longer base-line benefits you - nothing comes close. But Voigtlander and Contax cameras are still good quality items - different horses for different courses.


Optics: none (except we are yet to see how well the various Zeiss/Cosina Ikon lenses come up) match Leica's wide open performance. There are other superb atttributes as well which make users feel very warm! However, like most things today - you pay for waht you get and that last 20% of superlative performance might stretch the cost/price by 50% or more.


It is all a matter of degree - the best of a good lot. Like most products these days, there are bottom end cheapies, a wide mid range of very good performers and a few premium iconic items at then top. But the iconic products like Leica cameras and lenses come at a price that reflects development and manufacturing costs.

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If you have the M4, why don't you just get one of the small VC meters?

I have one and I like it! I don't think there's a lot of difference with a meter inside the VF or just on top of the camera.

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I would go for a Hexar RF: They offer with a meter, AE and motor everything a M4 does not have (but a Contax G) with the exception of AF. And you can still use your lenses. Plus they are not much more than a Voigtlaender body.


I personally have a M2, a CL and a G1: The G1 is a great, fast picture taker, the CL is a bit slower, but more enjoyable and the M is used when I have time. To me the CL (or a Hexar RF if I had one) is the best compromise as a one-camera only, but otherwise the unmetered M and the G series are nice additions - if one can afford having multiple lens mounts.

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But Eric, you have not had your D70 40 years. Also it will depreciate. It is made from plastic in Taiwan.


It is a mere 'bar code reader'. Dump it now. It CANNOT take good pictures like the one of the boots above. You know this.

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Get the M6 and lenses! The value will persist long afer the bills have scorched through

your wallet. As someone else on this forum said, "they're so damn cheap" - they just last

and last! Another quote: "until long after Mars has been colonized and film has run out."

And there's the lasting pleasure you get from using these fine cameras. You didn't say

which M you have (all are great) but M6 secondhand is very good value right now.

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