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Sticking Hot Shoe pins on DSLR's.

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On my Canon EOS 5 I had a problem with the connecting pins sticking

down on the flash hot shoe, I managed to rectify this from a post on

this forum. My question is, has anyone had this problem on the

modern Digital SLR cameras from Canon, or have the factory resolved

this now?

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Well, I guess you're not getting a lot of responses, are you


Maybe it's the ambiguity of the question, maybe it's the uniqueness of the problem. Point is, I haven't had problems with neither my EOS 30 nor 20d. I also belive there's only one locking pin in the EOS hot shoe


Good luck

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Simon, sticky microswitches in the sides of the hotshoe (that's what you are referring to, right?) seem to be an occassional problem for various Canon bodies, judging from the relatively frequent recommendations for the <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=000xmg">EOS 5/A2 "fix",</a> even for other bodies.<p>It just takes a tiny amount of lint/gunk to clog up the pin-sized plunger microswitches. This keeps the popup flash from opening/working since the camera thinks there is a hotshoe flash mounted.
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There have been other reports of the occasional stuck microswitch in the hotshoe rails. Usually people just inquire about their pop up flash not popping up, as they don't know about the switches. It seems to be an uncommon, but occasional trouble with the Canon DSLRs. Whereas the EOS 5/A2 had this problem quite frequently. I've not hear of any problem swith the 20D or 350D/DRebel XT.
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