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5x4 Back for Mamiya Universal

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I've acquired a Mamiya Universal with Polaroid Back, keen to use it with a film

back (just as soon as I can find one).... I recall some posts on Photo.Net about

adaptors which would enable the use of 5x4 film on Mamiya Press cameras,

including the Universal and Super 23. Does anyone know where I could get

one of these? Also, I seem to remember some talk of a 5x4 attachment for use

with a Graflok back (the manual I have certainly states that by using the 'G'

adaptor - which I don;t have! - Graflex accessories can be used - again, does

anyone have any experience of using this combination of kit, and if so, can

you tell me where I can get hold of it?

With thanks


Mark Andreani

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I have never seen or heard of one of these adapters. I have considered this for quite some time though and i am in the middle of cooking up a setup based on the mamiya press. The stock body is not quite big enough for 4x5, but it is close. Also as far as I know the only press lenses that cover 4x5 are the 75mm and 127mm lenses. I have a 127 coming for my setup.


I think the standard graflok back for that camera is 3x4, but I might be wrong.


You might want to go here first.




I am basically creating a hybred from a Sinar F1 and a mamiya press. IE Sinar/graflok back/GG, Sinar frame, Press front helical mount, mounted on a Sinar lens board that will clip into a Sinar frame and hopfully i will be able to get the press rangefinder on top of the works. I want to use this for handheld 4x5 with the 75mm and 127mm lenses. The 150 and over lenses vignette due to the back of the focus tube. The 50 and 65 also vignette. Also i will be able to unclip all the mamiya stuff and put the back and frame back on my F1.

Its kindof a 2 for one deal, sort of. Also I should be able to use the 2 press lenses with my F1 with a bag bellows.

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I must say I've never heard of this, and would be surprised if any of the lens' gave sufficient coverage for 5x4, certainly not as mounted on the various Mamiya Press models. There are roll film backs for 5x4 camera's, Graflock (or is it Graflex?) being one of them. If I'm wrong I'd be glad to hear of it....


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