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canon eos 30 v. eos elan 7e


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Is there any difference between the eos 30 and the eos elan 7e other than the 30 appears to be a european offering and the 7e a US offering?

Also, I have read many of the questions in this forum and it appears that the general advice is to not purchase the camera body with the "stock" 28-80/3.5-5.6 USM lens. Why not? Is the lens a low quality lens? What about a kit that contains both: 28-105/3.5-4.5 USM and 100-300/4.5-5.6 USM? Of course all of these are Canon lenses.

Last question - Any suggestions for low price quality (maybe oxymoron) dealers? mailorder? internet?

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The EOS 30, EOS 7 and Elan 7E are the same camera. The EOS

33 and the Elan 7 are the same camera. Just different names for

different markets. Sometimes there are minor differences

between the same basic model for different markets (eg: A2/5

and Elan/100) but I've never heard anyone mention actual

differences between the 30 and the Elan 7E.









>I have read many of the questions in this forum and it appears

that the general advice is to not purchase the camera body with

the "stock" 28-80/3.5-5.6 USM lens. Why not? Is the lens a low

quality lens?




Yes. The 28-105 is a better lens.




B&H in NYC have a pretty good reputation for being a trustworthy

mail order outlet with decent prices.

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If you are in the UK or Europe try New York Camera Exchange in

Germany, and speak to Gerold Weinman there. They offer some really

good deals. You can pay by credit card with them aswell for a small

extra charge for added security.




I bought a Canon 70-200f4L from them for £480.00 including delivery

to the UK and taxes. In the UK this lens would have cost me anywhere

from £600 to £750.




They even sent a bottle of German 'Champagne' with it aswell!

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