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Lens Mount Converter FD-EOS


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This FD-EOS converter was never sold through normal channels. Canon

only supplied it to professionals (CPS members) in the past. So it

will be hard to find indeed. One shop that has a few of them in stock

is Isarfoto in Germany. I believe they cost around $250. They do ship

all over the world and are very reliable. Web address: www.isarfoto.de




The converter is a 1.26x converter and can only be used with a few of

the FD lenses. Some information on which lenses etc can be found on

my website:





I do have one and have used it a few times. I would say that its

optical performance can be compared to the FD 1.4xA converter. There

are some imitations on the market from other brands, but these are

pretty bad.






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