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Which Wista is this?


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It's not a Wista on the face of it -- unless Wista itself isn't telling the truth. The metal corners and the chrome bits are the giveaway. The only way to certify it as a genuine would be the Wista importer, HPMarketing, or an experienced Wista dealer who'd probably charge you for the time and say no.


The company sold its first 4x5 technical camera in 1972 according to its website and eventually added a field camera line. Although some of the hardware strongly resembles Wista, Wista does not use any plated metal. It does use NOT use any metal metal at wood joints, but dovetailed wood joints. The wood, incidentally, does not appear to be cherry when compared to Wista. Wista cherry in its catalog appears lighter. A dark color would more likely be Rosewood or Ebony.


Wista lists a long line of features such as interchangeable bellows, auto stop down, etc. on that web list. The bad news is that you could have those features and still not have a Wista. I don't know about Wista serial numbers, But it doesn't seem likely.


It looks like a cheap knockoff (which isn't to say it doesn't work well). if it somehow is a Wista, it's going to be work to identify. Best way to describe it is as a 4x5 field camera that appears to be a Wista knockoff. That's a hard disclaimer, but if it lacks any of the Wista features, you could have an unhappy buyer who might think it is an accurate knockoff.


I bought a couple of tarted up Russian Leicas, fake to the core and not very good quality. But the price fit the product and I knew what I was buying.


The best segmentof the Wista site for this is http://www.wista.co.jp/e_wista/e_show/e_camera/e_camera.htm which has links on the cameras.

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As Manoj wrote, it has strong similarities to the Wista DX. I had one of these (I forget the exact model -- it was a slightly modified version sold by Zone VI), and it had a dark cherry wood finish, but brass hardware. I have never seen the chrome hardware. Wista cameras have changed over the years. It seems unlikely that someone would bother to forge a Wista label, so probably it is an early Wista.



Joseph is incorrect in implying that all Wista view cameras have interchangeable bellows. That is confusing the description of the metal technical camera with the wooden field camera.


Probably what you should do is describe the camera as accurately as possible, describe the label as evidence that it is a Wista, and say that the specific model is unidentified (unless someone identifies it).

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The Wista does not use dovetail connections the corners are box joints. The wood on the camera in the pics appears to be cherry as it gets significantly darker as it ages. Cherry is also highly variable in color depending on the age and each individual tree. I think what you possibly have is an early knock off with a wista back on it.
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The wag that suggested the camera was a Wista Field 45 is actually correct. It is a Wista. I own one just like that. I purchased it from Lens and Repro in 1978 or 1979 (I'm at work and don't carry my camera receipts with me.) At that time Wista was not well known in the US, which might lead some of the other folks to suggest that it is not a Wista.
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