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pics from C330, 55mm, 80mm and 180mm lenses


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Your pictures are wonderful, and I applaud your camera selection. You and the square (composition) seem to be getting along very nicely! I have a pair of C330s that I use professionally, and I have come to the conclusion that they are some of the best cameras ever made. Over all, they are durable, dependable, versatile, and the lenses are good. For any one who would consider buying one of these I would recommend the S model. They weigh less and the focusing screens are much better than the previous models.

Good Work,

Todd K.

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Thanks for kind words<br>

I use the C330 all times handheld, for tripod I use RB<br>

My metering is kinda rustical, spotmeter on greycard<br>

I allways use the waist level finder<br>

Its a C330s, beside the brighter screen it has the mayor advantage of the advanced WLF type 2, which is completly enclosed.<br>

For me its the "perfect" camera, before I was shooting fine Contaxes and Nikons and Bronica 645 and RB67, and Minolta, but the C330 is a unique feeling, like being in love, only thing I miss is DOF preview.

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