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Favorite Photography Magazines


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I was just looking around on the web tonight for photography magazines to

subscribe to. Since I do mostly portraits and am starting into weddings I want

magazines that are going to give me great arcticles and beautiful pictures in

those areas. Any suggestions?



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The only one I subscribe to is "f2 Freelance and Digital". There's a sample copy online at:




I find it's the only magazine which informs rather than being an extended manufacturer's PR department like the rest. It's owned and produced and contributed to by real working photographers who have been there, done that over many years.

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My vote is for Rangefinder.


Plus at the checkout line I'll get a different fashion magazine about once a month (including the occasional wedding magazine). These all vary. Occasionally I'll grab a Shutterbug.


B&H has a magazine? Or is that the catelog? I spend about as much time flipping through the B&H catelog as I would a magazine. :)

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I pick up B&W at the bookstore when it looks interesting. I've been on Rangefinder's mailing list for over 40 years, but it's really become a digital journal of late. I guess when you just exist on advertizing revenue that's the way things are these days. A couple of years ago The Big Picture started showing up in my mail out of nowhere. It caters to those who make billboards and those prints to cover the sides of buses. Recently I ran into an old buddy who was bragging about getting into the sign business and his new computer printer setup. He can print onto 60+ inch wide stock in about any length, and if I need something wider than five feet it can be pieced together from matching strips. Now all I need is the right customer.
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<i>Jon -- I think the suggestion was "B&W", as in "Black and White."

I've always been a fan of American Photo.</i>


DOH! :)


<i>I've also been looking forward to my "Layers Magazine"</i>


I've been considering this one. But I keep going back and forth between Layers and the Photoshop Users Mag, and shelling out the $100/yr members cost just for the magazine. My indecision has prevented me from getting either of them. My problem with Layers is that it will cover stuff I don't care about, like illustrations and stuff like that.

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There are at least two "Black and White" magazines - an Australian art-fashion broadsheet which features nude and semi-nude photos of celebrities, often in color (go figure) and a British A4 height magazine which focuses more on capture and darkroom technique. The British one is much better and is the one I presume everyone here is talking about.


My favorite photo magazine is Brook Jensen's "LensWork" - a small-format B&W art photo journal with extremely high-quality printing. It features informative interviews with serious photographers, as well as portfolios of outstanding work every month.


I also like, in no particular order, PhotoTechniques, CameraArts, and View Camera. PDN is great for the professional and business aspects of photography.


Outdoor photographer used to have easily the best columnist lineup in existence, but since Galen Rowell's death it doesn't have quite the same zing (not that I expected anyone to be able to replace him).


Rangefinder's wedding content is better than any other photo magazine I've come across.

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The Professional Photographers of America trade magazine has been extremely encouraging from a business standpoint. I think you can subscribe w/o joining the PPA-- it's a great magazine with marketing ideas and interviews with photographers from all sides of the business.


I also enjoy a couple of the digital photographers magazines (I can't recall the titles right now) from the UK. They cost 10 to 15 bucks, but they have great ideas for RAW workflow, shooting tips, etc. You can usually find them at Barnes & Noble booksellers.

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