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persistance beats resistance.


after a number of months of struggle in vain. Employing every prescribed and improvised

cleaning technique, with only worsening results, until i had lost all indication that the

thing ever spit ink to begin with. Coming terrifyingly close; within only a matter of 3 nerve

cells to be exact, of tossing this thing to the Freshkills Landfill... I have finally broken

through with (my fingers crossed, knocking on wood) what looks, so far, like stellar



I had disassembled this thing almost entirely... well, i had unscrewed the hood, to see

better what was actually going on inside. I tried every concievable cleaning process. Or so I

had thought. Yesterday morning I got the bright idea to soak paper towelling in a mixture

of windex and MIS cleaning fluid. I laid it down in the track where the cartridge goes to

park, moved the ink carriage back into it's parking space, and left it for exactly 24 hours

as a last-ditch attempt to rescusitate this carcass.

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One time with my 1160 I had two clogs that just woould not clear. Finally after running cleaning cycles and going mad one of the clogs did clear but the yellow was stubborn and still nothing. So I let it sit for a week. When I next swithced it on and ran it all was fine. Go figure. More than once my advice has been "leave it alone for a few days" and a couple people got back and said: "That did it!"
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Congrats. Gives me hope, and is one count for epson in my record. I'm really unaware if I'll get an Epson 1160 for BW-work or an HP DJ 9800.

I remember when I bought my first Epson, Photo 810. It suffered from constant clogs, until I moved it from the shelf over the monitor to a cooler place. The it only clogged after a week of inactivity. I tried windex, which occasionally helped to unclog, but more severe clogs made me remove the head and force hot water with pressure directly to the head. Then, tired of wasting Epson ink just for cleaning process, I tried some universal ink with the consequence, that cyan died a sudden death. No matter how I tried to unclog the head, cyan remained dead. All other colors worked just fine. Then I made an autopsy to the head, and there's a small foam-type filter beneath the spikes that take ink. The filter was completely blocked. I had to push a needle thru it to open it. Then water went thru the head, but there was no way to re-assemble the head. I tried glueing, but there were leaks, so the epson went to the bin, and I bought a new epson that clogged, and another, and another...

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Matti, that's too bad. I've had the following Epsons: 870 (2), 1270, 1160 (2), 2200 and have never had any clogging problems I would say were severe. Usually one or two cleaning cycles would solve it. If not, a couple times, just waiting overnight or a few days it solved itself (that was likely air bubbles). Some people in differing humidity conditions have differing levels of problems. The Epsons are easily the best printers out there IMO. Whether that's worth it to you is a personal choice.
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